Perceive things with your heart and treat others with tenderness

Dariana 2022-04-19 09:02:44

Feel the wind with your heart, feel the softness of the running water, appreciate the cherry blossoms in the sky, appreciate a bright moon, imagine the journey of the growth of red beans, and enjoy the mottled sunlight shining through the leaves, which will make us feel the original beauty of vitality.

The store manager who used to be imprisoned for fighting, the junior high school student who lives in a single-parent family whose mother does not support reading, and Dejiang, who was isolated for half his life because of leprosy in his youth. Although life is not satisfactory, they are all trying to live , gentle others.

Although time passes quickly, some people's lives will leave beautiful traces. Just like cherry blossoms, although there will be times when they will be scattered by the wind, there will still be bright times in the spring of next year.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.