"The Taste of Sand": Passing on - Love!

Gennaro 2022-04-19 09:02:44

My name is Dejiang, an old woman in her 70s. My brother was sent to this leprosy hospital when I was very young. He told me at the time that I might not be able to go back. I was helpless and painfully living in the hospital forever. The most distressing thing was that when I grew up and married a patient, I had a child but was forcibly aborted. In the past, lepers were considered a very lethal disease. But it is also divided into serious and serious, serious patients will have rotten hands and feet and infect others. I belong to the lightest, except for a slight deformation of the hands, everything is normal, but my child is so innocent. End of life: It's mother who is sorry for you!

If you grow up smoothly, you should be almost forty years old, right? I think you should be a boy, like the manager of the dorayaki shop in the nearby park that I frequent recently, about his age. I looked at him many times from a distance. He didn't like to talk. He was the only one in the store, and he nodded to the most customers, so the business in the store was average. After several close observations, I found that he has a pair of hopeless and helpless eyes, which makes me feel so distressed! He must have had a lot of sad stories, because when I first arrived at the hospital, I had the same look in my eyes: unhappy, hopeless! I want to help him because he needs it.

In the spring season, the cherry blossoms on the cherry trees in the park are blooming one after another. A breeze swept over the cherry blossom petals and flew into the dorayaki filling. Maybe the magical cherry blossom fairy also wanted to help the store manager improve it. Taste right? I came to the shop window and asked, "Do you want to hire part-time workers here?" I saw the manager looking at me and answering kindly and earnestly: "My salary is not high, can you do it at your age?" I quickly replied: "The salary doesn't matter. Yes, I just want to come to work." The manager replied tactfully: "You think about it again, let's have a dorayaki!" I was very happy, but after eating the dorayaki he made, I shook my head repeatedly: the skin on the outside is okay, But the stuffing inside is hard to eat! This is really far from the craft I learned in the handmade dim sum workshop in the hospital.

So I made some bean paste stuffing that night and gave him a taste the next day. After a few days, I went to visit again. He looked at me differently and asked me how I made the bean paste stuffing, saying that I had never eaten it. I have been to such a good bean paste stuffing, and I am very satisfied to get his praise, so I was invited by the store manager to work, and made an appointment with him to start at five in the morning and asked him to soak the red beans beforehand.

The day was still bright and the shop manager and I started work: after more than 5 hours of cleaning, picking, slow cooking, filtering, listening, dialogue, and stirring, we finally opened the shop at 11:00 noon to welcome customers. The crystal clear red bean paste filling It was born: attractive color, fragrant, crisp but not rotten, and excellent taste! Once sold, the old customers were full of praise and queued up, and the store manager also showed a long-lost smile on the face.

After working with him happily for a period of time, I also learned more about him: he used to run a bar, and later went to prison for accidentally hurting someone in a dispute, but his mother died of an illness while he was serving his sentence, For this reason, he always blamed himself for hurting his mother, and always looked downcast and very unconfident.

But I have to say to the store manager seriously: You shouldn't do this. First of all, you are very smart: I only taught you how to make red bean stuffing once, and you will know how to make it. It is very good! Secondly, you are very kind: you take good care of the middle school girl. She doesn’t have a father and her family is not good. You always give her the dorayaki with some flaws, so the little girl’s face is always Filled with happy expressions.

Finally, I want to say to both of you: people come to the world for training: some people are sweet and then bitter, and some people are bitter and then sweet, you two are just the latter, please keep going!

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.