if you have more patience

Tyreek 2022-04-19 09:02:44

There is a detail in the movie. There are two scenes of Florentz going to sea with her father when she was a child, and the scene where she was curled up and cried to her father in a flash of dim light. The strong possessiveness she showed, it can be speculated that her growing up and fear of sex should be due to a bad experience when she was a child, we don't know what it is.

This set the stage for her and Edward's wedding night.

On the one hand, Edward's character made him face such moments of incomparable inferiority and tension that he couldn't even untie the long skirt of the one he loved. On the other hand, Florentz kept persuading himself to overcome his fear of sex because of his love. In trembling, trying to overcome the tense atmosphere between them by communicating, recalling the good times I had with Edward with my eyes closed, telling my body to accept him, thinking of the guide mentioned in the book, but unfortunately such an effort But it backfired, everything she did aggravated Edward's nervousness, and eventually led to premature ejaculation, and this ending also broke her down and ran away.

She came to the beautiful beach, sitting alone on the abandoned wooden boat, crying, and Edward followed, but there was no explanation, no comfort, no hug, only misunderstanding and irrational quarrel. She loves him so much that as long as she can be together, she can tolerate other women occupying his body, as long as he is happy; he loves her so much, her words broke his heart and made him feel that he tarnished his innocence of love. In the end, she regained her rationality, approached him, and asked him to go back to the hotel with her to start over. Maybe this time she would tell him the real reason. However, he didn't look back after all, and she left alone.

Ten years later, studying history, he became a rocker, opened a small record store, and was not short of female companions. Until one day a little girl picked out a piece of his favorite classical record as a gift for her mother, and he had listened to it countless times with her back then. He vaguely guessed everything, but after things were different, All I can give is a happy birthday, from a shop.

Forty-two years later, he is very old and still alone. She has made extraordinary achievements in music, and finally fulfilled the wish they made when they fell in love. She played a song in the music hall she dreamed of. This time he came as promised and sat in the position he promised to sit. Tears shed after watching.

There should be many if they crossed their hearts, but forty years have turned everything into fate.

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On Chesil Beach quotes

  • Florence Ponting: Edward, I want to make you happy. But I think I'm always a disappointment. You're always advancing, I'm always backing away, and we can't talk about it. We can never just be happy... or just be. You're always demanding something more and I'm useless at... And you go silent and unhappy and it's all my fault. And when I do... I mean when I say yes to something, even if I don't really want to, I know there'll be another thing that I'm expected to do. I'm no good at these demands.

  • Florence Ponting: You know I love you.

    Edward Mayhew: Still!

    Florence Ponting: I want to spend my life with you. And you feel the same. We love each other and we can set each other free. Edward, it must be obvious to you by now that I'm...

    Edward Mayhew: Florence, what is it?

    Florence Ponting: That I'm pretty hopeless. No, I'm absolutely hopeless at sex. I'm no good at it. I don't seem to need it like other people, like you do. I might change, but I can't imagine it. If I don't say this now, we'll always be struggling with it. It's going to cause you a lot of unhappiness and me too.