The innocence of a filmmaker

Keith 2022-04-19 09:02:44

after life! To stand trial? Hell or heaven? Or forgetting to drink a cup of Meng Po soup? This movie is so cute, with a slow pace, almost no climax or even plot, how interesting it would be if the road to heaven was like this! And those who help people get happy memories are the angels and the film crew! Hehe, this is the filmmaker's declaration that he is Hirokazu-eda, to be a part of other people's happiness, to find happy moments for everyone who leaves... This is also the result and wish of the director thinking about countless separations... It's still so innocent...

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After Life quotes

  • Kenji Yamamoto, who wants to forget his past: Say I choose a memory, from when I was eight or ten years old. Then I'll only remember how I felt back then? I'll be able to forget everything else? Really? You can forget? Well, then that really is heaven.