"Stuart: Rewinding Life" Records

Beulah 2022-10-16 19:46:36

The one I cried so hard in the upper part was "The Imitation Game", this is the second part. When I saw it for an hour, I was still very calm, and I was ready to give a four-star hand. Until Stewart slowly poured out all the terrible things he had experienced while tying his bow tie awkwardly. I was really stunned.

"I want to change the day, the day I really used violence." "I only hope that one time, I can escape from the devil's hands. I burn myself, cut myself, and want to force it out, but it doesn't want to be without it. Home is home."

He always walks crookedly, always holding a short cigarette in his hand that is almost burning to his fingers, the wine that does not leave his body, and the needle in the drawer.

The perpetrator was the victim, and the original viciousness is nowhere to be found. He hurts himself, he hurts others, he wants his son not to be like himself, he wants him to be polite and grow up to be a "healthy person".

In particular, I don't like the words "repaying grievance with virtue" and "poor people must be hateful". They always feel like they were put forward by the perpetrator to cover up their evil deeds, so as to confuse bystanders and ask the victims to react Come and thank yourself.

Those who had to be trapped in the dark, those who struggled to figure it out, one day they struggled to walk into the sun, but they were all afraid of being sunburned by the sun. Even healing oneself and reconciling with oneself is an extravagant hope. How can I repay you with "virtue"?

At the end, Stewart's vague, alcohol-scented self-report came from the tape, calm, helpless, and guilty, I don't know how to describe it, I don't even know how to comfort him, I don't have the qualifications, he grew up The so-called "rotten people" in society, because no one wants to understand your past through your "messy" behavior, and even if they want to understand, they can't really empathize with it. It was as if thousands of knives had been slashed on his body. The slashes were tattered and his flesh was blurred, but his bones were sound, but some people were rotten to the core.

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Extended Reading

Stuart: A Life Backwards quotes

  • Alexander Masters: If you had to change one thing about your life, what would it be?

    Stuart Shorter: Well, how much is one thing?

  • Stuart Shorter: My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart if you want.