No one is born a devil

Freddy 2022-10-25 07:11:24

The sexual abuse of his brother and the violence of his stepfather turned the once carefree little boy Stuart into a dangerous combination of violence, neurosis, drug, alcohol and crime. To help Alexander write his own biography, Stewart tells us about his life in rewind. As the story draws closer to Stewart's childhood, we share Alexander's grief and grief for him. Finally, Alexander asked Stewart, if you could change one thing, what would you most like to change? Stewart said: the day i found violence. Violent demons lived in Stewart's heart, no matter how it was driven out, Stewart lived with the devil all his life. Stewart loves his mother, sister and son. He can be the little boy who was once beautiful as an angel in his mother's mouth, the brother who dressed up for his sister's wedding, and the son who was so bad he hoped for his own. The father who is going to go to business school when he grows up. His mother once said: I hope to shake Stewart from beginning to end, shake out all the bad things, and become the very beautiful Stewart. Stewart is still as kind and sincere as he was when he was a child when he is normal, but whenever he recalls what happened to him as a child, all he can show is violence, and even he can't control it. What happened to the child? There is a clip in the movie where Stewart said: Maybe some people like me suffered bad things when they were young, but they were able to endure it and live a decent, normal life when they grow up. But Stewart didn't, and the scars from his childhood grew bigger and bigger and eventually engulfed him for the rest of his life. No one wants more than Stewart to really rewind his life, to his once innocent childhood, like in the end-credits photo. In the second half of the movie, we all saw a Stewart who was slowly getting better, but his past encounters had corroded his heart. No matter how hard he tried, perhaps what Stewart wanted was death, the ultimate release and healing. .
Although it is a very heavy story, the director told us in a light and sarcastic way. Actors Curl and Tom Hardy are so amazing, it's hard to believe this is a movie, it's like a documentary. In fact, the cast of the film "Tinker;;" can be said to be the mainstay of British actors. BC and Tom Hardy are the best among young people. They can not only star in big productions to please the box office, but also This kind of niche and delicate literary film can be found at your fingertips.
Finally, today is Children's Day. Thinking of the previous case of sexual abuse of girls, I feel even more deeply when I watch this movie. Children are helpless. will ruin their lives. May all children have a normal and happy childhood.

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Stuart: A Life Backwards quotes

  • Alexander Masters: If you had to change one thing about your life, what would it be?

    Stuart Shorter: Well, how much is one thing?

  • Stuart Shorter: My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart if you want.