miss Jianghu

Federico 2022-04-23 07:04:05

I really want to know who played Li Bingbing's Yi Rongcheng's national teacher. The facial features are really three-dimensional and beautiful. The result is that Li Bingbing's classmate was tragic at the moment when the Yi Rongshu receded. . .
In fact, I don't like the name of the movie. It's a bit wordy. If it weren't for the big label "Tsui Hark Works" and Li Bingbing's beautiful stills, I guess I wouldn't have given him a look.
Speaking of the prosperous Tang weather that Tsui Hark is very interested in, I want to say that CG technology is still not at home. . . The ghost city is quite integrated. The other Luoyang cities, Tongtian Buddha, and the wharf all have the feeling of looking at the 3D renderings, which directly led me to stare at a roof in fascination, wanting to see the neat and tidy Are the tiles posted? However, this is not in a hurry, nor can you expect to reach the level of Avatar all at once. However, in a cutscene at the beginning of the film, the gestures of a few palace maids and attendants walking past with lights made me suddenly want to start the little servants in the picture. This is the most Tang-like flavor in the whole film. The place is actually quite surprising. But in comparison, I still prefer the bustling Chang'an and the far-reaching eaves with raindrops in the Daming Palace Ci.
In all fairness, this movie is not ugly. Although I can't see much of Tsui Hark's taste in those days, I feel a little disappointed. In fact, even if the last time I watched the film and suffered a blow, I would still tear up and pay for it next time. To me, Tsui Hark's name is such a solid existence. After all, Tsui Hark means half of his childhood dreams, and the name of this country is Jianghu. (The other half should be surnamed Jin) In my small brain, Huang Feihong, Fang Shiyu and Qiao Feng and Yang Guo gave the initial definition of chivalry. So it's not difficult to understand my indescribable excitement when I saw Shangguan Jinger's dangling eyebrows in men's clothing and Liang Jiahui standing with his hands behind his back.
Speaking of characters, I really didn't bring Wu Zetian or Di Renjie into it. The former Carina Lau acted bluntly, she really couldn't hold up such a powerful aura and she wasn't smart enough. I'm still more convinced by Gui Yalei's light-heavy acting style; the latter Andy Lau really played Andy Lau in everything, but this also There's nothing wrong with it, at least the last scene of looking at the sun in white clothes is really cute to me. From this, I think of the coquettish look with long hair fluttering at dawn in the besieged city in October, the uncles are still quite stocked. . .
As for Li Bingbing, I had high hopes, but I actually saw a trace of Lin Qingxia's shadow in the stills, but this character. . . Hey. . . Still a little silly. . . Why can't you be smarter, as long as you are smarter, my requirements are not high, how can such an IQ stay by Emperor Wu's side? . . So I am more yy to the paragraphs of Emperor Wu and her affectionately looking at each other and embracing each other. After all, this reason is very understandable if it is by my side. Deng Chao, I have always kept the impression that he is smart since the young emperor, and smart men are always a little more handsome, so I still think that the white hair style is very handsome and beautiful, and several action scenes are also neat and neat. Died in the line of duty is perfect. I just don't understand a little bit. From the scene in the ghost city, it can be seen that Donglai's extra care for Jinger clearly has some special feelings. At first, I thought that I might not like others, although I admit that I am relatively Meng this pair of CPs, but it's a bit vulgar, so I firmly believe that this is a brother and sister. . . As a result, the two brothers and sisters soon died in love and in duty respectively, and there is nothing to say about their emotional relationship, this. . . Am I thinking too much again, they are pure and great revolutionary friendship? It doesn't make sense, the first second is arguing, and the next second he follows with concern on his face, and he doesn't even listen to Di Renjie's advice.
Well, in the end, I want to say that the theme of the movie is very harmonious and beautiful, but the tears of this kind of family, country and world dream just happen to me not to catch a cold, so there is not much to say. Want to see really.

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Detective Dee: The Mystery of the Phantom Flame quotes

  • Empress Wu Zetian: Remember, when one's aim is to achieve greatness... everyone is expendable.

  • Detective Dee: Ruling requires power and strategy, but right and wrong cannot be confused.