disappear in the sun

Adolphus 2022-04-22 07:01:49

The last scene is like this: Di Renjie, played by Andy Lau, was poisoned by the flame beetle, and since then he can no longer meet the sun, so he can only hide in the dark underground world, called the ghost city. In the end, he was wearing a white robe and had long hair scattered. He looked up at the sparkling water in the distance with a fairy-like and roguelike tenderness. The magical doctor Wang Don next to him patted him on the shoulder and said spontaneously: "The sun is coming out." Now, let's go down.

I love that line, I even love the way the movie ends, but I can't get over how it ends, exactly the truth. So frustrating! Such a gorgeous layout, such a deep waiting, such a terrifying suspense, such an unpredictable conspiracy, however, in the end, everything, actually, the black hand behind the scenes is a construction site foreman! When Zhang Jiahui raised his Mingyue hook, raised his scarred face, and shook out his identity as a boss, Brother Fifteen and I looked at each other for three seconds, then shook our heads, this is really, too, too, too Not to force.

The level of absurdity is so absurd that a building caught fire and killed more than 100 people. Finally, the government arrested a few welders as scapegoats and said that they did not have business licenses. However, is it not enough for such absurd plots to happen in reality? The evolution of this absurd drama is tied to history. A construction site foreman is ready to subvert a country for his own revenge. This reminds me of another very terrifying truth. In our community with collectivism as the core concept, the individual spirit and individuality have been suppressed and ignored for a long time. As a result, the individual is gradually buried in the unconscious collective, or , the individual is extremely inflated, abnormal, and all things in the universe are self-reliant, and what is even more terrifying is when they carry the banner of revolution and patriotism. The foreman of the construction site played by Zhang Jiahui is such a perverted revolutionary.

I actually had a problem with this movie when I watched it. Because Teacher Jingjing threw me a question before, I couldn't understand why Li Bingbing wanted to seduce Andy Lau? I was frightened at first, thinking that this was a metaphor for the movie, and maybe an important clue to the plot, so I widened my eyes, not letting go of every glance that Li Bingbing and Andy Lau met in the movie. Until, Li Bingbing really took off against Andy Lau! The second she showed her shoulders without hesitation, I already had the answer. Basically, I can answer responsibly from the perspective of a male audience: she took off to please us, and this we, I don't think it's sexist, are only referring to men here. To put it bluntly, it's just a gimmick. If you don't believe me, you can confirm it like this. Searching for "Empire of Tongtian", almost 80% of the information that pops up are titles like "Li Bingbing seduces Andy Lau", "Li Bingbing dries Andy Lau", "Li Bingbing and Andy Lau's passionate sex scene". But what did we see? Before anything was done, the assassination force came and attacked. Arrows were raining down. But I suddenly thought about whether the director would explain it this way: In fact, in the movie, we have already let the actors shoot, but we use a symbolic metaphor, we shoot not arrows, but... ..You know.

After watching the movie, I sent the answer I got to Mr. Jingjing, who was already asleep, in the middle of the night, but I suddenly felt that the disappointment of the movie I had watched was added to the frost, because it was really not even a gimmick. ! If you wake up the sleeping teacher Jingjing again, it will be even more disappointing. All of a sudden, I thought very anti-human, if there really is such a kind of flaming beetle, which can make all those hypocritical, pretentious, pedantic, deceitful, and lifeless all destroyed under the sun, then this world must be clean. Maybe when we are dying, we can say goodbye in such a way, pick up a glass of flaming beetle wine, toast with our relatives, friends and close friends, and then drink it up, the last word left to this world is: we disappear in the sun together Bar.

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Detective Dee: The Mystery of the Phantom Flame quotes

  • Empress Wu Zetian: Remember, when one's aim is to achieve greatness... everyone is expendable.

  • Detective Dee: Ruling requires power and strategy, but right and wrong cannot be confused.