25 rants about the godfather

Leonora 2021-10-13 13:05:47

1. The godfather's religious doting for Johnny Fontan. The reason is that the godfather thinks that Johnny is so weak, even if he won the academy award. In the philosophy of the godfather, the weak and the love are natural twin brothers

2, NB coaxing Hollywood tycoon Waltz arrogantly rejected the suggestion of Tang's messenger, one of the reasons was that Johnny abducted his favorite actress, and he was rich and had dinner with Hoover. At dawn the next day, when Walz woke up from his sleep, he found that he was sleeping with the bloody head of the famous Makatomu in his own collection. The fatal warning came so quickly, with strong contempt-- ------ even the most severe judge, do not know to kill a racehorse's exactly what criminal penalties should be.

3, the godfather of his life killed people, sold bootleg liquor, had received protection money, the last main His business is to open a casino. But he has shown great resistance to the prostitution industry and the drug business. This almost absurd adherence has cost him a huge price. How many guidelines are worth abide by in the world? How much can there be? A fool who allows himself to stick to something? It is undoubtedly precious to be able to truly stick to something.

4. During the negotiation with the drug dealer Soroso, poor Shanny said something more, but this one was too much. It was an irretrievable mistake, because it revealed to a dangerous outsider the subtle difference between his and his godfather's attitudes towards drugs. In other words, this remark reveals a crack in the family's thinking. So the blow followed, and the blade pointed directly at the crack. . Poor Shanny didn’t understand that the sharp blade would never pierce a slab of rock. It always pointed at the gap.

5. Christmas music floated in the air with snowflakes flying. Mike and his girlfriend watched it accidentally on the way back to the hotel. When he arrived at the newspaper that published the news of his father's assassination. He held the newspaper in his hand, and his first reaction was to find that the newspaper did not mention the death of his father. The person who saw the essence within a second and spent half his life couldn't see it clearly. A person who is the essence of one thing naturally has a different fate.

6, Michael went to the hospital and leaned down beside his seriously injured father. Tears slowly came from the corner of Tang's eyes. The look of his son Leng Jun showed that he felt it. What is blood relationship. In the face of blood relationship, go to the fucking American spirit.

7, Mike, whose cheekbones were cracked, said that he was going to kill Soroso and Sheriff McCloskey. This whimsical remark of a young man who was a college student and a veteran yesterday made everyone laugh. He asked nonchalantly: Who can't Killing the police? Great people are human beings. There are never those floating ropes in the minds of mortals that obstruct thinking in their minds.8

A car drives along the street. Vision. The people in the car are talking happily in yellow jokes with such a voice. Clear. This is just a murder foreplay. The golden reeds sway in the autumn wind, and the white and sublime shadow of the Statue of Liberty is in the distance. Gunshots sound. Clemenza carefully unscrews from the car before he has time to eat Youbing

9, Mike came out of the bathroom with the roar of a train passing in his mind. That was the most indifferent look I have ever seen. This is a decisive step, and a positive young man bid farewell to a glorious American citizen and became a proud American citizen without hesitation. In the future Tang

10, the godfather is weak and old. Mike is sitting opposite him. This is a real father-son conversation. Perhaps 99% of his sons have never talked to his father like this in his life. "Women can be careless," Carefree, and men must be careful and cautious.” This is the judgment of the great Tang Yisheng. Yes, a woman is careless at best, and a man will lose her life. As society progresses, the consequences of being deprived will be greater. The more subtle, and the loss of life is loss of life.

11, Tang has repeatedly expressed almost harsh rigor to sex. I Ning Yuan understands this as his loyalty to the family. In Tang's eyes, the family is the most reliable social unit. It is the only harbor in a cruel life that can be borrowed by others. At the same time, Tang relieved himself of any social organization above the family--------court, government, state, federal... Any obligation. Tang expressed sensitive and profound contempt for his son Shanni’s sexual indiscretions. Perhaps in his opinion, the randomness of sex will disrupt the will of a man. It is indeed difficult to imagine a man who is casual towards sex. Possess the power of forbearance and depression

12. Barren, rough, orchard, olives, clumsy shotguns, beautiful women and dull-looking men... these are the impressions of Sicily. Mike and two scruffy bodyguards with guns-------- Their posture with their guns will never be standard. The refreshing music floats. On a small road, Mike was hit. I appreciate that someone translates this into a "lightning strike", which is a kind of touch of life, although it contains explicitness. The sensuality of Mike. Mike’s love for Apollonia and Kai’s love are fundamentally different.:

13, Before going to meet the drug lord Soroso and the police chief McCloskey, Mike keenly proposed that he should be controlled by the family afterwards. Newspaper relations have revealed the fierce information about the collusion between the chief of police and trafficking activities. This will greatly disrupt the public's shock and instinctive indignation at the shooting of a policeman, and partly offset the public opinion and judicial pressure on the fabric. Citizens have never It is influenced by public opinion and popular opinions. It is difficult for 100 citizens to find one who can have an independent and clear and accurate view

of one thing.14 The days of desperate Sicily are so long. It is not just Mike, but loves deeply. The same goes for his Kay. When Kay took a taxi and found the family manor and asked Tom Hagen to forward a letter to Mike, Tom immediately refused. He explained: If I accept your letter, it is legal

Going up means that I know Mike's whereabouts.-------If he doesn't even understand this, then he is not worthy to be a good lawyer . In Mafia’s concept, this is absolutely unforgivable. Under the definite evidence, the director arranges a lengthy scene, Mike is persuasive, and only asks Carlo to admit it. If he thinks that Mike is unsure of his own judgment and seeks The confession of the person concerned is simply a complete misunderstanding. In fact, Mike is only eager to hear Carlo's statement of betrayal. This kind of true statement seems to be able to redeem the trembling soul of Mike when he killed his brother-in-law.

16 Killing. Carefully planned mass killings The killing takes place at the same time as the solemn religious ceremony. This is a cleansing of sin and a manifestation of "the world is guilty".

17. A native American woman can never understand her husband's hardships in life like a Sicilian woman, so she can give unconditional understanding and obedience. A wall was erected between Kay and the family, and this wall was not broken in the end. The wall separates Kay from crime, which can be understood as Mike's protection of Kay. However, the great American citizen Kay regarded this as a deception. Mike's loyalty to the family was repeatedly ignored by her, and her husband violated her values. Suspicion made her sleepless. So she unscrupulously and persistently used the values ​​instilled in her own society to instigate poor Mike again and again. It can be said that Kay is Mike’s nightmare. The door slowly closed. Kai was shut out of the family values.

18. When the ship full of Italians arrived in the United States, people saw the Statue of Liberty towering and radiant. This seems to be a country where the flag of hope is flying high, and people's dreams will become reality as far as possible. In this country, heroes don’t ask where they come from, they only talk about gains, but don’t ask about hard work. The Italians came here with their mysterious temperament originating from the Mediterranean, with longing and secrets in their hearts. } When

passing through customs, one after another language declared his age, place of origin and name. This scene was later copied by Spielberg to Schindler’s list

19, 1959, Washington, D.C. The Corioni family was investigated by the Organized Crime Investigation Committee of the United States Senate. This is the most serious threat the family has ever encountered. In the lonely jackdaw, Mike stepped on the snow and came to his mother's room. He sat on his mother's lap with a burning fireplace behind him. He was looking for a moment of danger and helplessness. Seeking for the gift of blood courage, looking for spiritual enlightenment derived from the blood of

20, a family friend, Sicilian flange Kepan Tanglewood Lane in an "attempted" murder after being arrested by the FBI, Miami gangster Frank Ross insinuate themselves through reasoning and He was judged to be convinced that the instigator behind the attempt to murder him was Mike, and angrily accused Michael of planning and directing a series of family criminal activities. But in the final court statement, when he saw his brother who was far away in Sicily sitting beside Michael glaring at him in the court, he immediately retracted the confession and completely changed the confession. The court was in an uproar and the investigation was terminated.

At that moment, the faith and honor immersed in the bones of the Sicilians revived. r

The actual and spiritual punishment that a true Sicilian person could not bear was the actual and spiritual punishment that was caused by trampling on the "silent law".

By the way, 90% of the godfather fans of this scene could not fully understand

21, 1958. Hawala. As the personal guest of President Batista, the representative of American tourism Mike Corleone and the representative of AT&T sat around In front of a table. Every pore of the capital is dripping with blood, regardless of its dazzling appearance. The dove, the melody of the intoxicating Cuban folk song, sounded, except for Mike, on the dance floor. Those who revolve are all prostitutes. The descendants of the Spaniards are full of romance even in the revolution. The revolutionary army captured the presidential palace at the dawn of the new year. In the dance hall full of apocalyptic sentiments, Mike hugged his brother Fredo in his arms. Kissed his forehead fiercely. The blood-stained betrayal was heartbreaking. At this time, Mike Corleone's heart became colorful fragments sprinkled on his head and shoulders

22, when he had just suffered betrayal by his own brother. When Mike, who was exhausted, returned home, he learned that his wife, Kay, a model nurtured by the great American values ​​and great sense of justice, told her husband Mike that she went to the hospital for an abortion, in other words , She killed the unborn boy. The

noble and just, the womb full of great American spirit is no longer willing to pass on the life of sin. The great American citizen Kay used her betrayal of Mike's life to protest him most solemnly. At

that moment, the cold thing that Mike's eyes shot was not disappointment, not blame, but hatred mixed with pain. As he resolutely shut Kai out of the door, the door of life and soul was irretrievably closed to Kai .

If not for Diane Keaton's excellent performance, even this will be the greatest compliment of SB

23, the memory of those yellow pieces. Those self-talking montages. The young Tang said slowly and quietly. The murder was carried out in the music of God Bless America. A motto matures with a life: "I want to reason with him. I will offer him a condition that he cannot refuse."

24. A room in a hotel. The senator sits on the floor. The bed is a female body wrapped in white sheets, and the sheets are full of red blood. NB booming politicians are so easy to be subdued, as long as A little exaggeration of their hobbies or privacy. A cleaner can take care of everything. What remains is a great friendship between a politician and a Mafia

. The cheerful and lyrical and sad music plays. They are back to the dreamlike Sicily. The United States will always be. Sicily is the soul's hometown. Revenge is a good medicine. You must chew slowly to taste the delicacy. The blood feud that killed the brother and mother is finally repaid, which is enough to comfort a responsible soul. Tang in his hometown actually After being hit by a bullet, he was so awkward when he escaped, he did not have the endless lightness in Chinese martial arts movies. Sometimes I feel that watching Li Ang and Lao Mouzi's martial arts movies is like making love to a sketch. Afterwards, there was an indescribable emptiness.

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The Godfather quotes

  • Capt. McCluskey: I thought I got all you Guinea hoods locked up! What the hell are you doing here?

    Michael: What happened to the men who were guarding my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: I pulled them guys off of here, eh, now get away from this hospital!

    Michael: I'm not leaving until you put some guards around my father's room.

    Capt. McCluskey: Phil, take him in!

    Cop with Capt. McCluskey outside hospital: The kid's clean Captain, he's a war hero! He's never been mixed up with the rackets...

    Capt. McCluskey: Goddamn it Phil, I said take him in!

    Michael: What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Patrolmen] Take a hold of him. Stand him up. Stand him up straight.

    [punches Michael and breaks his jaw]

  • Sollozzo: [to Michael, in Sicilian] I am sorry. What happened to your father was business. I have much respect for your father. But your father, his thinking is old-fashioned. You must understand why I had to do that. Now let's work through where we go from here.

    [Michael tries speaking in Sicilian, but can't express himself properly, so with a quick look at McCluskey they both switch to English]

    Michael: What I want... what's most important to me is that I have a guarantee: no more attempts on my father's life.

    Sollozzo: What guarantees could I give you, Mike? I'm the hunted one. I've missed my chance. You think too much of me, kid. I am not that clever. All I want is a truce.

    Michael: I have to go to the bathroom. Is that all right?

    Capt. McCluskey: You gotta go, you gotta go.

    [Michael gets up, but a suspicious Sollozzo probes Michael's crotch, to Michael's offense]

    Capt. McCluskey: I frisked him. He's clean.

    Sollozzo: Don't take too long...

    [Michael heads to the bathroom]

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Sollozzo] I frisked a thousand young punks.