Ridicule "My Way"

Charlene 2022-04-23 07:04:05

There are two explanations for the whole film:

1. A Korean was tragically captured and used as a Japanese soldier to fight the Soviet Union, but he was defeated and turned into a Soviet soldier to fight Germany. Unfortunately, he was defeated and turned into a German soldier to fight the United States. Look up, it turns out that the day of landing is the day of death.

2, a Korean & a Japanese deep friendship, until the end of the union.

Among them, there are many questions:

1. Do the Koreans want to make this film to promote the friendship between Korea and Japan? Under the harsh and humiliating Japanese rule during World War II, the Koreans were extremely friendly to their slave owners who trampled on them. Really want to ask: Are you a masochist? Repeatedly extended a helping hand to the enemy, and did not hesitate to turn against friends, even deaf, and eventually died.

2. Although the role of Fan Tongshoe is an anti-Japanese martyr, he helped Xiami help the brain-dead Koreans who reported the enemy's situation to the Japanese army to snipe the fighters of the Soviet Union Army and die for it? And there are not many scenes. . .

3. The Koreans who were forced to serve as soldiers of various countries and fell into war simply wanted to survive. Why did they so heroically raise a flag when they were Soviet soldiers and let the Germans shoot as much as they like?

4. Zhang Dongjian played a porter who was faster than the speed of light in "The Promise". This time, "My Way" is a fast marathon runner. He runs wherever he goes. How can he actually run?

PS: Let’s spit it out. In a man’s film, the red flower is only a little embellishment. Still amazed by the appearance of a few seconds). In addition, the film is mixed with Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, German, French, and English, and it is dizzy to listen to.

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