My Way--On the Elements of Cultivating Basic Love

Kody 2022-04-20 09:02:23

It is said that when a person is vulnerable is the time to expose his inferiority. For a perverted cosmic person like me who is "Tenションhigh", when I get sick, I always enter a strange state where the body is weak, but the brain is crazy and excited. When I watched MY WAY, a war-based friend film with high fever. I can't help but complain about this excellent work that integrates many themes of Jinjiang Danmei Station.

How is the foundation developed?

Element 1: childhood sweethearts, oh no Bamboo horses and bamboo horses

The grandfather of the young Chenxiong (Shoujun) was a guard stationed in Korea. When he was a child, he followed his father who was a doctor to defect to his grandfather. Young Jun-sik (attacking the king). That gaze through the glass when I first saw it----absolutely a sense of fate. No need to slow down, it makes people feel that time is stretched and narrowed. If in Jinjiang, there will definitely be a string like "Even if I sit in the car, I can still only watch his running back, one footsteps in the distance, but after many years, I will understand that the other side of that step is not the distance, but It's in my heart." Such sensational freeze-frame shots.

Then the two of them started to run and run non-stop, you were chasing after me, so happy. Today you win and tomorrow I lose, and you have to fight. Shoujun is so arrogant and arrogant, and once in a while to win, he has to provocatively say: "It's very hard to chase after me, right?" Oh, no, this is not a provocation, but a naked pistol, right? I've been running with you for so many years, just so that one day you'll be able to chase me, hey bastard. But Gongjun was an ignorant natural attacker at the time, and he couldn't understand Shoujun's hints at all. In vain, they fell into the situation of pinching each other. Why bother, that's why we're

going to

Element 2: Uncomfortable Suffering and Natural Attack

So how did Shoujun's awkwardness come about? Does Shoujun have a noble birth or not, the natural flower of high mountains, arrogance is its attribute. But Gongjun is too natural to cooperate with Aojiao as a loyal dog. This caused Shoujun's slap to be silent, and his arrogance was often ignored. We all know that Aojiao needs an audience, and Aojiao that no one appreciates will only accumulate depression into internal injuries. As a result, after his grandfather was injured, Shoujun knew that his father was innocent and had to vent. The experience of class struggle tells us that all the arrogant factions are paper tigers. The inner wounded Shoujun pointed at the departing Gongjun with a knife and said, "Don't appear in front of me again."——Aojiao Pai's classic dialogue, if Gongjun's face is full of sadness and his loyal dog's sincerity is expressed, will Shoujun continue to be embarrassed? Unfortunately, when Gong Jun had a natural expression of "Ah? think too much, I didn't show up in front of you to say...", Shoujun's fragile self-esteem finally broke. We can once again simulate the cry in Shoujun's heart: "My world has been set ablaze by you, but why is your world still peaceful?"----It will be perverted if it is too awkward, and indeed Shoujun is perverted.

Then they became marathon rivals. In the Olympic Marathon Trials, Gong Jun defeated Shoujun by a narrow margin, but Shoujun won under the operation of the Japan Athletics Federation. Attacking the lord is dissatisfied, rebelling, rioting. Shoujun never said a word from the beginning to the end, lost his soul, did you? It's completely different from his clamoring before the game, "How does the guy who pulls the cart compare to an athlete who was born in a professional school?" Why? Because what Shoujun wants is an upright conquest. How could Shoujun, who can't win by force, be so embarrassed to continue to follow Gongjun Aojiao? Said that this place is a little bit off the floor. Some people think that Shoujun is so mean to Gongjun, and they say that they are pulling carts when they come up. I think everyone must not speculate on the ultimate definition of arrogance: knife mouth and tofu heart. Some of the words will always make you want to get into the wrong. For the case, please refer to the various brothels. But if you feel bad, you must think about it, such as Chen Xiongjun in this film. Give a chestnut, so that everyone can understand this subtle psychology. Some arrogant boys talk at night in the dormitory, they obviously like other girls, but they also call them ugly nicknames, call other girls ugly, and the classmates in the dormitory say that the girl is not bad, and they have to refute them angrily. Alas, how delicate this kind of psychology is. Not only is he afraid that his love will be exposed, but he is also afraid that everyone will think that his goddess is too bad, which will increase competition. Tsk tsk, the bitch is hypocritical, yes, who is talking about you.

After this incident, Chen Xiongjun's father arranged for him to enroll in the German medical department. Chen Xiongjun sternly refused, saying that he would still run a marathon. What's this? Naked obsession. Seeing this, I immediately made up my mind for the awkward Shoujun, can't he give up the marathon? Why, because he and Gongjun have different nationalities, different positions, and different status levels, the only thing in common with Shoujun is Marathon. Marathon was his origin, and Shou-jun thought that as long as he stayed at the origin, he would be able to interact with Gong-jun again one day. Hey, this feeling is heaven and earth.

Element 3: Ape Dung

With the full outbreak of World War II, Jun Zhijun was implicated in the riot and was forcibly recruited into the Kwantung Army, and Chen Xiongjun was so immortal that he just happened to be the captain of the new garrison ---- the direct line of Gongjun Are there leaders. Perhaps, we can say that this is the arrangement of God, it is ape dung. BUT (Great Love Turning Sentence)----With the background of Shoujun, why go to the northeast to be cannon fodder. I just cant help YY, could it be that Shou-jun can't stand the pain of lovesickness, this opportunity was forcibly begged by him? It's not that he has any intention of being with Gong Jun at this moment, because in my opinion, the Aojiao faction is usually a dead duck with a tough mouth. But----"Missing is a very mysterious thing"----is rooted in the subconscious. So the subconscious commanded the consciousness, he thought he was going to be loyal to the emperor. no, in fact, he just wanted to see him once. In other words, it is really difficult for people to overcome the subconscious. Usually, those who overcome the subconscious become Nagato monks, and those who love and love are no longer in the world dimension of others.

Here I have to mention the biggest failure of the film----Fan Ye. I have to say that Fan Bingbing briefly appeared in various bugs in the film. First of all, in the case of killing so many Japanese people as a beautiful woman, instead of being X, X, X, X, X, she was locked up. The execution date is still set before the expedition, which is very strange. Secondly, Jun Zhijun was beaten by Jun because he didn't want to participate in the self-destruction mission (who told you not to listen to me), and finally he was locked up with Fan Ye. this. . . The feeling of Korean directors pulling the box office is too obvious, so there is no need to add some bg elements to dilute the theme of such a film with bright bl elements. The most amazing thing is that Fan Ye actually shot down the plane with a semi-automatic rifle. Immediately, I felt a deep sense of sympathy for the Soviet Army. Sorry, for the sake of the plot and the box office, I had no choice but to hack your equipment. However, the appearance of Fan Ye still tells us an unchanging rule of basic love movies - all women are cannon fodder, no exceptions. Not only did he die early, but he was not able to seduce Gongjun. Think of the intriguing words when Gongjun decided to report the surprise attack of the Soviet army to Shoujun: "You guys go, I'm going back to save others." You gentlemen, what is love? courage. Jun Zhijun knew that there was a dead end, but he had to go back and report to Shoujun, saying, "Other people, how can there be any other people? Hey. I really want the live soundtrack "Isn't this not considered love, what do I have to be sad about..."

In the next battle against the Soviet Union, Chenxiong, who was red-eyed, ordered his soldiers to deal with the Soviet tank attack with flesh and blood, but unfortunately not all Everyone is Deidara, self-destruction or something is not aesthetically pleasing to others except Deidara. In the end, the despairing Shoujun wanted to die, but Shoujun would not die by himself. If he wanted to die, he had to pull Gongjun to die with him. The feeling of holding a lover in one hand and a dynamite bag in the other, shouting long live the emperor, and marching towards martyrdom is very refreshing, right? When two people are fried together, they will never be separated as long as you have me and I have you. So again, embarrassed people must find a good audience to vent in moderation. Tsundere will definitely be perverted without an audience. As a result, the two were just blown away, not killed. It is worth noting that the scene where the two people were blown up was obviously said by Jun Fei at a higher level. Ah, is this the second law of romance movies? No matter how strong or weak it is on offense and defense, it will definitely end up being the one who is light and soft and easy to overthrow. Fly a little higher.

Later, both Chenxiong and Junzhi were sent to Soviet prisoner of war camps.

Element 4: You can't live without being mad

Generally, basic love will be much better than normal love drama. It seems that you must fight, kill, turn against each other and die together before feelings can change. In the prisoner of war camp, the Soviet Army asked Chenxiong to step on the plaster flag. How could the arrogant and perverted Shoujun do this in front of his lover? I believe that the boys who play are deeply touched. If the goddess is on the sidelines, the lame would have to lay up. Sure enough, pretending to be struck by lightning, hanging up and freezing. Almost froze to death. But obviously the writers won't let the story end like this. Sure enough, Shoujun, who was full of blood and resurrected, ran to find Gongjun to provoke him, and they started fighting. In the end, we must live and die. Oh, what a paranoid love it is. Probably only a creature like a man has such a bizarre idea. If you like it, you will bully you. Don't you realize that it was Bai Fumei who was bullied and cried by boys in elementary school? It seems that I have grown up very smoothly, and the boys are simply too lazy to care about it. When this kind of thinking is paranoid to the extent of Shoujun, it is not beautiful. Why do you have to live and die. In the end, he was beaten down by the attacking gentleman. When Gongjun did not kill Shoujun, the clear tears in the corner of Shoujun's eyes were really a silent cry. This kind of mentality of recruiting relatives by martial arts is so familiar to me, and so are many strong girls around me. If you want me, you have to beat me. If you beat me and don't want me, you will either abuse your heart or be perverted. Probably at this moment of life and death, Shoujun began to really see his heart.

Element 5: Adversity Sees True Love

At the prisoner of war camp Chenxiong and Junzhi will be executed for committing military violations, and Chenxiong and Junzhi will be tied to a stake together. Humans are animals that don't shed tears without seeing a coffin. You know that each other is important when you see a fraction of the dead. You can't help looking at him, but you can't help but find that his eyes are glued to your body, what's the rush? After that moment of looking at each other, the two of them seemed a little calm to die. Love is so wonderful. But the male protagonists are all weird, and they still haven't died. Because of the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, the Soviet Union urgently incorporated Japanese and Korean prisoners of war into the Soviet army. As a result, the male protagonists went to the battlefield again, but this time they changed their owners. This battle was very tragic, and Shoujun suddenly woke up when he saw the scene of the lost Soviet army being shot and killed by the superior during the retreat. I finally understand what it means to be a cud. Just at the stall where Shoujun was in a state of despair, Gongjun appeared at a critical moment to save Shoujun from the muzzle. He blew his ear. Oh my god, if the scene is so chaotic, you can find Shoujun and save your life. If you hadn't been paying attention to searching for his figure, would you be able to do it? I must have closed my eyes and called my mother. So, love is really great.

After the fiasco, Chenxiong found Junzhi on the battlefield ripping off the clothes of the dead German soldiers. Chenxiong didn't even ask Junzhi what he wanted, but our classmate Gong Jun gave the clothes. With such a conscious and filial Xiaogong, Chenxiong-kun, you should be satisfied. Sure enough, the setting of Chenxiongjun turned from here, and for the first time asked Junzhi: Where are you going? I was so moved by this moment. Your awkward child finally turned a corner. When an arrogant girl or Xiaoshou is willing to show weakness to you, you are basically done. Congrats, congratulations, congratulations. The two put on the uniforms of German soldiers and crossed the border snow-capped mountains. The interesting thing is that the two always keep a certain distance in tandem, right? This can't help but remind me of the scenes in countless youth romance films where high school students go home after school: boys and girls are one after the other, seeming to go their separate ways, but they actually go home together. Due to the angle, the shadows of the two people under the street light repeat the game of staggering, separating, and staggering. No one spoke, but they both cared about each other's company. It's a beautiful setting, it's even more beautiful if it is replaced by snow. When the person in the back fell, the person in front knew immediately, ran over to help him up, and walked to the front. It's hard for Jang Dong Gun. It's not easy for the uncle to be shy when he is old. If I were the director, I would have Jun Zhijun hand over a tree trunk or something to Chenxiong, one to pull this end and the other to pull the other end. It's more like holding hands or something. Hahaha, this section comes from a real life experience. Back then, when I was climbing a mountain with someone, someone stretched out a bottle of Nongfu Spring when I couldn't climb it. He pulled one end and I pulled the other. Is it really the best time to be shy?

The dialogue of coexisting in a hole in a snowy mountain is also very intriguing. Shou: Why didn't you kill me then? attack:. . . (Pretend to be deep, but actually panic inside). . . Why don't we study the map. Suddenly it reminded me of the conversation between my little niece and the little friend who came to play with him. Niece: Why do you keep copying my homework? do you like me? Little friend: . . . Let's take a look at this application problem. Hahaha. . .

The two successfully walked into the village from the mountain, and Shoujun was a few miles away. Only then did Gong Jun find out that Shou Jun was shot. The look of being in a hurry to get angry, hey, if you care about it, you will be confused. Then he carried Shoujun into the village to look for medicine. What if I can't find the medicine? Gong Jun decided to leave for a while to find medicine, when Gong Jun left. Shoujun's feelings that he had been forcibly sealed with a dam, finally broke. It's unprecedented to call Gong Jun's name twice in a row. With the strong dependence and reluctance in his eyes, Aojiao immediately turned into a coquettish one, so he almost didn't say: Don't leave me alone. . . Sure enough, I have a heart-to-heart, Gongjun solemnly promises: I will be back soon! (Please note that one of the most wonderful hidden climaxes of the whole play is implied here. We will discuss it later.)

Unfortunately, the promises at such times are usually screwed up by passers-by A, B, C or A San A Si. Sure enough, Gong Jun was taken prisoner by the Germans.

Element 6: Waiting and Pursuing

The legend of a country (forgot which one) says that a person's life is actually only 3 nights. I met my lover on the first night, parted with my lover on the second night, and reunited with my lover on the third night. The rest of the time is just for waiting. That's right, true love needs the baptism of time, and only if it can withstand the polishing of the years can it be meaningful. Three years later, Chenxiong became a member of the German Eastern Battalion. As the only yellow-skinned Chenxiong in the German camp, he is always looking for Junzhi, and is often moved by a familiar back. But the misunderstandings over and over again did not kill the hope in Shoujun's heart. One day, when he saw the familiar running figure on the beach where the sun was falling. Our Shoujun pupils dilated in a second. So in the beautiful scenery where the sea and the sky are all golden, like Chu Yan throwing into the forest, he flew in front of Gong Jun, and the whole situation officially entered a climax. applaud! ! ! (Odakiri is the highest! The bayonet is...)

After the ecstasy at first sight, the two of them said goodbye to each other. The climax appeared again, but you couldn't hear what Shoujun said to attack you! ! ! It turned out that when the attacking Jun rescued Shoujun from the muzzle, he blew his ears deaf. Here again leads to the hidden climax of the film. According to the logic that Gong Jun was deafened by bombing, when the two separated that day when they were separated by the call of Gong Jun, the distance between Gong Jun and Gong Jun should not have been heard. So what prompted him? Gong Jun turned his head and made the promise that I would be back soon when he was called by Jun? ---- Yes, this is the legendary artifact---- the power of love, the call of the heart. The power of chemistry is endless! ! ! Ah, I am moved by myself, I can find out all of this, how strong my yy spirit is ~~~

Then it is logical that the two will be inseparable from now on. With the help of his German friends, Chenxiong was preparing to escape with Junzhi, but unfortunately, he encountered the Allied forces coming to the Normandy landing.

Element 7:

On the day of the landing, Chenxiong and Junshi, the German commander, were locked in the bunker, defending the Allied soldiers, and the German line of Normandy finally collapsed. Chenxiong and Junzhi decide to run together for the last time. run to their shores.

Unfortunately, this pair of mandarin ducks did not escape the hail of bullets. After an explosion, Junzhi rushed towards Chenxiong in a panic, and said, "Mr. But our Shoujun has stayed at this time. Because he could clearly see the blood gushing out from Gong Jun's chest. Our Junshi sama was shot! What kind of love can make people so strong that they are not aware of their own serious injuries and only care about the safety of the other party? No one here wants to use brotherhood to deny their love. Brotherhood may make you sacrifice your life, but it can't make you forget your death. It was the first time this pair of miserable people hugged each other. It's a pity that no matter how mournful the call is, it can't bring the dead back to life. When Jun Zhijun was dying, he exchanged his brand name with Chenxiong, told him to live well, and said that the Allies knew that he was Japanese and would kill him, and that he would let him go when they saw that he was Korean. This Gongjun is really worried about his life. When his death is imminent, he did not even cry out in pain to pave the way for his lover's future. It's really a model worker in love. Good love is said in a similar way: before Jack dies, Rose wants to live well and raise children; Hexi promises to use her whole heart to exchange Sanmao's broken heart; Ye Huajun stops Bai Qian from dying in the east Under Huang Zhong's backlash, his final thought was that he would not be sad if he couldn't see the blood in his black clothes. . . Oh my god, the truth of the world must be: If you want to practice magic, swing your sword from the palace, and get true love, do you have to be brainless? Hehe, hehe. . .

This kind of ending is actually the best. They never united, but Shoujun was named Gongjun. They did not confess, but they completed their love with life and death.

Element 8: Some people are dead, but they are still alive

. On the sports arena in peacetime (probably the 1948 London Olympics), there is a Chenxiong named Jin Junzhi running, and only Xiao Junzhi and Xiao Chenxiong are running for the first time. scenario.

Sure enough, Chenxiong's subconscious was right. The marathon is their starting point, and when the dust settles, everything will go back to where it started.

Tucao, if it's not a bl but a bg drama, it's also a sustenance for a child to pull Chenxiong. Hahaha.

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