The story revolves around the story of two smart girls in a small town supporting each other and growing up. Their relationship is like envy, chasing, jealousy, admiration, and imitation. Because of practical reasons, one of the girls, Lila, had to stop her studies and failed to go to high school. She helped the family's shoe repair shop, but she is very smart and strong, she knows what she wants and what she doesn't want. what is, and do everything possible to get and reject. Another girl, Elena, has been studying and has become a good girl in everyone's eyes, but she will never feel that she is not as good as Lila, she knows that she is not that good, not Lila's smart, Lila's self-confidence, Lila's Attractive, she goes about her life with constant self-doubt and following Lila.
After reading it, I feel that my current feelings are very complicated. I may put myself into Elena more, and I understand very clearly her confusion and confusion about study, love, and the future.
"She is my best comrade-in-arms and my worst enemy", such contradictory thoughts permeate the whole drama. Because of our innate intelligence, we have become the best friends in this small town. Unlike ordinary classmates, we can have a deeper understanding of the world very early, and can easily get Excellent grades in all subjects. But I know that if she had the chance, she would be better and better than me, she would be able to teach herself before me, she would be able to develop the ideas of the whole family on her own, and she would be able to attract so many men to her fascinated Even if she was very distressed about it.
Compared with her, my life is ordinary and boring, and I have nothing but reading.
When facing the future, I never seem to know where I should go. It seems that every time I follow and listen to others. In the face of men's harassment, I dare not resist or refuse, only dare to escape and avoid. At her wedding, I saw her happy appearance, but I felt that love would never take care of me.
Finally, this drama can also be called "A Life Ruined by Men". Girls can be very strong and intelligent without relying on men.
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