"When the salmon were migrating", take a note of the poems at the Poetry Reading Party

Arnold 2022-04-24 07:01:23

"Writing Poems"

Memories of the early morning of the tenth winter lunar month

hand with swollen joints

white rice mother

writing poetry is

Waking up late at night crying alone

For the gradually collapsing spiritual pillar

stand firmly

be a solid foundation

empty window

Do everything possible to support

Soothe all night swaying to sleep

will keep scooping out and still pouring in

water with moss

clean up without hesitation

Is to create a blank forest.


behind you

There will always be cicadas

I rubbed my eyes and made cicadas chirping

Let the impatiens blooming at the fingertips of last summer wither

Behind you, the cicadas keep crying

I also fluttered my wings and cried.

"Reason for Roses with Thorns"

don't try to steal me

When the words in my arms turned into goosebumps all over my body

dream suicide black red smile

Don't try to break me with the excuse of beauty

The kiss of red lips is

A deadly passion for purity

don't love me anymore

The wheels of the seasons just keep rolling.

"The Nostalgic Pumice Temple"

Meet death in love

Even Vairocana Buddha

sitting there hanging on the fingers

Wait for death

even let Amitabha

Cut off the head to use as a pillow

until morning

The bell to worship the decree still does not ring

I have sat in front of the pillars of the pumice temple all my life

I never gave you a bowl of rice

Built and destroyed a temple in tears

Also built a temple on the stone of flying sky.

"ask you"

Do not trample on soot

You used to be a hot person to someone.

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