script of life

Uriel 2022-04-23 07:03:55

Today is the sixth day of the second lunar month, Bingwu day, it is advisable to break the ground for sacrifice.
As you know, I'm referring to East and West Poison, the original or the ultimate.
One day, a friend whom I hadn't seen for many years found me in a way that seemed unbelievable. We often say that life is like a drama, and it is true. Every time point may be full of unknowable plots.
So I said, I have seen East Evil West Poison recently, I suggest you take a look.
So I watched it, and it was said that I cried...
Then, I thought, this movie does seem to be something that people can't let go of.
Wong Kar-wai is trying to read people's hearts, and to a large extent. But I've always wondered about one thing. In what state were his lines written? Given his age at the time, if it wasn't given by God, how could he have such a feeling.

1. In fact, "Drunken Life and Dreaming of Death" is just a joke she made to me. The more you want to know if you have forgotten, the more you remember it clearly. I've heard people say that when you can't have it anymore, the only thing you can do is keep yourself from forgetting.
The lonely shadow of heaven and earth is my way, and this melody once sounded in Dahua Journey to the West. Every time I hear it, my association is Maggie Cheung leaning against the window innocently blooming and withering.
What is the difference between forgetting and remembering? People's biggest troubles often come from a good memory.
Does this look like a computer? There are too many fragmented files, which affects the running speed of the system and needs to be sorted or deleted.
However, many things that we think we remember clearly are often stupefied, and we are guided by our own likes and dislikes, allowing our subconscious mind to recklessly tamper with the original scene. So when we remember something, we must also forget something else.
We commemorate, or pay tribute, or both.
Time slowly but surely crushed many things into powder, and he was the winner in the end.

Second, everyone will go through this stage. When they see a mountain, they want to know what is behind the mountain. I'd love to tell him that maybe over the back of the mountain, you'll find nothing special. In retrospect, this side may feel better.
Coincidentally, when I was a child, I lived in a veritable mountain town, because the small town itself was on a hillside sloping from east to west. The highest mountain in the east seems to be called the Flaming Mountain. I often think, what would it be if I crossed the Flaming Mountain?
Thirteen or fourteen years old, climbed to the top and looked east, still mountains, more mountains.
However, I don't think this side is better. It is the age of extreme curiosity and longing for the distance. I thought at that time, I am afraid that one day I will go out.
So, after another three years, I left, and it seems that I have never returned, but I will never go back.
There are indeed too many differences in the back of the mountain. Looking back, I don't know which side is better now. I only know that there are no assumptions in life.
We keep choosing at every intersection, think carefully, we may gain more than we lose, and every time we walk through an intersection, the possibility of people will become smaller and smaller, until one day there is only one answer left. .
It doesn't matter which side is better, you have already chosen, please pay for your choice.
When I see the mountains in the distance again, maybe I still want to know what is behind the mountains, but I may not have the chance to climb over the mountains.

3. Everyone will stick to their beliefs. In the eyes of others, it is a waste of time, but she thinks it is very important.
Persistence and impetuousness seem to be the opposite but actually the same. When I think I am persevering in a very important thing, why is it not that I am persevering and impetuous.
Terrible, what am I holding on to.
In fact, many words come back later, and constantly pursue change, can it also be said that change is the only constant, or the belief in insisting on change?
Many people say that I am doing something that I do not know destiny, maybe it is right or wrong, this is not a poor reason to insist.
In fact, Murong Yan and Murong Yan are just two identities of the same person. Behind these two identities, there is an injured person hiding.
When a person is frustrated, he will more or less find an excuse to hide himself. It is not easy to face your own heart.
So many illusions are born from the heart, and all descriptions are no longer real from the moment the description begins.
Heart demon, only faith can be saved?
I will climb the snow-covered mountains in Taihang, and I want to cross the Yellow River Bingsaichuan.

Speaking of the mountain.
In fact, it's not bad over there, but unfortunately I can't go back.

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Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.