We live our lives in order to understand what life is all about.

Kirsten 2022-04-23 07:03:55

I hardly write movie reviews.
Those descriptions, feelings, ideas, and vivid descriptions of a movie, I don't know. Although I like watching movies and have seen many movies, I can't describe my love for a movie. I only express my feelings with "I like it very much" and "very good" when asked by friends.
But "Evil in the West" is definitely one of my favorite movies.

been wondering why there is another "Dong Evil West Poison Final Edition". It was many years ago when I watched "Dong Evil West Poison"

. I really like Wong Kar-wai's style very much, and his films can always find a different style. A large number of psychological descriptions of the characters are used to capture the lonely expressions on everyone's faces.

I wanted to cry twice in the film. The first time was when Brigitte Lin said to Leslie Cheung;
because of your words, I have been waiting until now. I once told you to take me away, but you didn't, you said you can't love two people at the same time. The woman you love is Murong Yan, so why are you falling in love with another woman now? You know, I once looked for that woman because someone said you loved her the most, and I wanted to kill her, but I never did because I didn't want to prove that she was. I once asked myself if the woman you love the most is me, but I don't want to know now. If one day I can't help but ask you, you must lie to me, no matter how reluctant you are, don't tell me that the person you love the most is not me.

Seeing her lying on the door and crying sadly, tears rolled in her eyes at that moment, I don't think anyone would think that tears are the product of hypocrisy at such a moment.

The second time is when Maggie Cheung said to Liang Jiahui: "You are too honest".
I used to think so too, but watching him grow up day by day, I knew that one day he would leave me. I just feel like nothing matters now. I used to think that sentence was very important, because I believed that once something was said, it would last a lifetime. Now that I think about it, it doesn't really make a difference whether I say it or not, because some things can change. I always thought I had won, until one day I looked in the mirror and realized I lost, and in my best time, my favorite person wasn't around. If only time could start all over again. In fact, you are so good to him, why didn't you tell him I was here?

, I would rather think of this film as a romance, where everyone has sad memories. In their hearts there is a person who cannot be abandoned.

When I was in junior high school, I saw a summary of the classic lines in "Dong Xie Xi Du" in a magazine, and now I present my favorite lines.


people The biggest trouble is that my memory is too good. If I can forget everything, every day in the future will be a new beginning. You say how happy it is.

If one day I can't help but ask you, you must lie to me, no matter how reluctant you are, don't tell me that the person you love the most is not me.

I feel like I've mixed with you and become a person without myself. I don't want to be like you.

I finally understand why that woman likes Hong Qi, maybe because he is simple enough. When I watched them go, my heart was jealous. I once had such an opportunity, but for some reason I gave up.

I've heard people say that when you can't have it anymore, the only thing you can do is keep yourself from forgetting.


In fact, there are still many parts that I like, I just want to tell myself in this way.
I really like the impact this movie brings to me. I like the lonely swordsman, the sad lover, the unending killing and the cruel waiting in the oil painting-like desert.

Maybe I should also have a bottle of "Drunken Life and Dream Death", but unfortunately that was just a joke made by Peach Blossom to Ouyang Feng. I think we have a lot of jokes in our life that we make to ourselves, because we live our whole life for what life is.

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Extended Reading

Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.