blind swordsman

Angelica 2022-04-22 07:01:48

Do you know the difference between drinking alcohol and drinking water? Wine, the more you drink, the warmer; water, the colder you drink. I never drink with people I don't like.
I just turned down a guy who wanted to buy me a drink. He said that he had a jar of wine called "Drunken Life and Dream Death". After drinking it, no matter what he had done before, he would forget all about it. I was wondering why there was such a drink, but I still rejected him. Wine can make people forget a lot of things, but sometimes more things can be remembered. I don't want to remember anything about this person.
He used to be my best friend, but not anymore. I even swore that if I ran into this man again, I would kill him. But I didn't do that because when I saw him, my eyes couldn't see clearly.

2. The
sun shines unscrupulously. Although I opened my eyes wide, my vision was still blurry. I felt a burst of sadness.
My eyes have been bad since I was a child. The doctor said that I would be blind when I was 30 years old.
I am thirty years old this year.
I wonder if I can see the peach blossoms in my hometown again?

Every spring, the peach blossoms in my hometown will bloom very brightly. I want to see it again before I lose my sight, but unfortunately the coils have been used up.
I found Ouyang Feng. He said that a man killed a group of horse thieves here a few months ago. He heard that the brother of the horse thief would come back to take revenge recently, but unfortunately that person has already left. The people nearby were worried that Chiyu would be affected, and they were willing to pay a sum of money to find a master to kill them.
I know my sword is fast.

There is always a woman at the door of Ouyang Feng's house, carrying a basket of eggs and a donkey. She was waiting for Ouyang Feng to help her. Everyone will stick to their beliefs, which is a waste of time in the eyes of others, but she thinks it is very important.
I can't stop looking at this woman, she reminds me of my wife. I left her to wander around because she fell in love with my best friend Huang Yaoshi.
For many years, I have been used to this kind of life: no lover, no friends. My only remaining wish is to see the peach blossoms in my hometown again before going blind.

There are seasons when the flowers bloom, but no one knows when the horse thief arrives. I hope they arrive soon, if it's too late, the peach blossoms will be gone.
I wait outside the city every day, and I have to light an oil lamp every night, even though I can't see at night.
Occasionally I will look up at the sky, the yellow sand is long and chaotic.

I guess you must like your wife very much. The woman in front of Ouyang Feng's door asked me, if that's the case, why don't you stay by her side?
I suddenly wanted to drink.

Ouyang Feng told me that the horse thief would arrive at dawn, and he helped me prepare a lantern.
It doesn't really matter to me whether there are lanterns or not. I hope the weather will be better tomorrow and I can still see if the sun is strong.
I said to Ouyang Feng, if I don't come back after sunset, please help him find someone, his name is Huang Yaoshi, and tell him that there is another person waiting for him in my hometown.
I raised my head and drank a bowl of wine. Today's wine is so spicy that it makes my nose sore.

I reached out and grabbed the sword beside me. My hands are still steady, and I'm happy with that.
Walking out the door and passing the woman at the door, I stopped suddenly and hugged her wildly for a kiss. I don't know why it does this, but I can't control myself.
The woman's tears slowly dried on my face as I left. I wonder if the woman in my hometown will cry for me?

The sun is shining. The north wind blows the yellow sand all over the sky.
Horse thieves came over the mountains, a piece of darkness. I don't care, I know my sword is fast. The sound of the horse thief wailing and falling beside me seemed to come from another world.
A dark cloud drifted past, obscuring the sun. My heart sank.
I tried my best to keep my eyes open, and the swarms of horse thieves covered the sky.
Swing the sword again. Blood flowers bloomed in front of me, beautiful like the peach blossoms in my hometown.
Peach Blossom...

The last sound I heard was the sound of the wind.
I've heard people say before that if the knife is fast, the blood spurts out of the wound like the wind, which is very nice. Unexpectedly, the first time I heard it was my own blood.
For a moment, my eyes seemed to return to their original state, and I saw the splendid peach blossoms in my hometown spread all over the mountains and fields, blooming to Tumi, on the other side of the desert.
Unfortunately I can't go back.

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Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.