sad past

Gladys 2022-04-21 09:03:04

Men are conceited, women are negative. If a woman is angry, she would rather leave a man than be alone with each other. Even throwing into the arms of others makes the injury more profound. Therefore, men, please don't be conceited, because the beginning of your conceit is the end of loneliness.

Ouyang Feng left Maggie Cheung arrogantly, and traveled the world alone, and when she came back, she had to marry her sister-in-law. So one person entered the desert as a cold-blooded killer middleman, to witness other people's past.
His lines did not say that

Huang Yaoshi made his friend's wife fall in love with him, her name was Taohua, and her husband Tony Leung also left home because of this. He died under the knife in order to raise money to return to his hometown. In the end, Huang Yaoshi liked Peach Blossom, not because of the woman named Peach Blossom, but because of Maggie Cheung, who dared to punish each other by being alone with Peach Blossom.
"It's because of Ouyang Feng that I have a reason to see her once a year."

Taohua, Carina Lau, a person who has too many desires to balance, and ends up being lonely. If she knew that Huang Yaoshi's peach blossoms were not planted because of her, would she feel sad like a stinging pain

Murong Yan was extremely lonely, because she unfortunately met Huang Yaoshi, the man with the richest story.
"I went to find that woman, but I didn't kill her because I didn't want to admit that she was."

Yang Caini is a woman who is extremely
feminine. She is a man who will wait for her with eggs and donkeys to avenge her.
Her woman, even Liang Chaowei, who was planning to go back to his hometown to see the peach blossoms, provoked that overbearing kiss when he passed by. I always thought it was this woman's kiss that killed him in the end.
"Our family is very poor, we only have a basket of eggs and a donkey."
"Aren't you very good at finding help with an egg?"

Hong Qi was the only one with hope. He laughed, he was direct. So he was quick, he killed the horse thief. He was finally willing to avenge Yang Caini for that egg. This charitable egg also wakes him up and leaves Ouyang Feng, who lacks his soul. Leading a camel, with his wife sitting on it, the two of them roamed the rivers and lakes together.
He also has no lines, no lines that make people sad, he is here to inspire.

Ouyang Feng, is sad as pain, has been so deep that there are no words to say
Hong Qi, is cheerful and bright as sunshine, no need for words to modify

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Extended Reading

Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.