
Daniela 2022-04-20 09:02:20

Those who wear a mask of hypocrisy make rules in the name of justice, keep people in prisons and refuse to protest.
They say this is right and that is wrong.
Someone asked, why is this?
They say there is no why, it is the truth, you cannot doubt the truth, doubting the truth is the greatest sin, your doubt itself is sin.
So some people keep silent, even if they have doubts, they don't say it, they just hide it in their hearts. They continue to tell future generations that this is the right way, because this is the truth, and it has been the case since ancient times. Do not doubt, doubt is the greatest evil.
The scary thing is that some people don't think they are hypocrites, they think they are holding the flag of justice. And those who first held the "Flag of Justice" knew their hypocrisy and how the so-called truth came from.
Why not give others the right to distinguish between true and false, let them judge for themselves, and then choose?
Shouldn't such a system be questioned when the system obliterates people's right to pursue love and kindness?

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  • Nasrin Sotoudeh: They work in a way that let us to know they are watching us.Their tactics are obvious.First, they write you up a police record. Suddenly, you are accused of being an agent for Mossad, The CIA, or MI6. Then they tack on something about your morals, your lifestyle. They make your life into a prison.Although you are released from prison, but the outside world is only a bigger prison.They make your nearest friends into your worst enemies.After that you think all you can do is either leave the country or pray to return to that hole. So i think it's better to let it go.

  • Jafar Panahi: Those films are already made, those books are already written. You have to look elsewhere, you have to find it for yourself.

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