cameras everywhere

Newell 2022-04-19 09:02:43

I think this film carries the director's thinking about the film.

First of all, the movie is the evidence, just as the injured man in the car accident under the camera is in his wife’s arms, begging others to record his last words with the last strength, he said that his house and property are all given to his wife, and he is fighting against Iran with the last tenderness The unfair treatment of women by harsh laws, wary of the plunder of his property by his greedy and cruel brother.

As evidence in court is the most realistic function of the camera, but it also puts the camera in an unsafe position. The last scene of the film is the picture of the late brother of the man in the car accident smashing the taxi window and stealing the evidence.

Secondly, the movie is a kind of sustenance, and it is a sustenance of feelings. In the film, the director had a short meeting in a taxi with a friend whom he hadn't seen for many years. The friend showed a video of himself when he was robbed. He said that he knew the masked robber and was his friend, but he refused to use the video as evidence. Taking a friend to court because the money he lost could help his friend get through financial hardships, in his eyes, goodwill undoubtedly trumps justice.

The director's friend told the director that this could be the material for his film. In this sense, the director is the collector of the story, and the movie is the real life rotated from an angle, but the feelings are contained in it. I think the director's friend is trying to convey goodwill.

In this way, the two uses of the camera seem to be a debate between maintaining justice and conveying goodwill, but the two are actually not contradictory. Most of the time, the two complement each other, and in a small part, which is more important in the eyes of different people, differentiated into different trade-offs.

Third, the film is a "correct" vision. The director's niece's teacher asked the students to make films without discord, women wearing veils, bad guys not using Persian surnames, etc. The biggest conflict is that when the niece was filming the street scene, it was recorded that a scavenger boy picked up the money (50 Tuman) dropped by the groom who was about to get into the wedding car. In order to pass the teacher's review, the director's niece stopped the little boy, argued with him, and asked him to return the money to the groom, and her biggest argument in the argument was that her film needs to pass the review, and the little boy's reformation is " Highlights of the "right" vision. She even tempted him to return 50 tomans with 5 tomans. The little boy who was struggling in reality immediately said that it was a loss-making business, but perhaps he still had a desire to be a hero in the movie, and he walked towards the parked roadside again. wedding car. However, whether he was shy to be a good person and do a good deed, or chose to live in reality more honestly, he just watched the wedding car slowly drive away, instead of handing over the lucky windfall in his hand.

In this sense, the "correct" vision imposed by the film cannot be realized in reality. Even if this "correct" vision is popular in the market, it is out of touch with real life and expresses only expectations and expectations.

At the end of the day, though, a camera is just a tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, to record evidence, to convey goodwill, to express the "correct" vision, and to distort reality and deceive the audience, as the hunger striker in The little girl in the prison, and her visiting mother, are tempted or threatened to start eating on camera or alter reality to announce the end of the hunger strike.

In addition to expressing his thoughts on the film, the director also recorded the social environment that produced the film "Taxi". Doubts and debates about the legal system are reflected in many places. One is the debate between the female passenger and the male passenger on whether the crime of theft should be sentenced to death, and the other is the anxious last words of the man injured in the car accident. After the debate between the female passenger and the male passenger, the male passenger did not answer the female passenger's persistent inquiry. When he got off the bus, he said that he was a thief, but he did not steal from a poor teacher or a stupid driver who didn't know the way. This is the scale of justice held in the heart of a thief who ignores the law.

I think Taxi also raises questions about devout followers of religion. The two old women rushed to Qingquan Mountain to release a few goldfish, because they salvaged the fish on this day of the previous year, and they believed that if the fish did not return to the original water in time, they would die. Their panic when the tank shatters is actually quite funny, because they are panicking that they are going to die soon, rather than really caring about the goldfish under the car seat. Of course the director has great respect for them, I'm not sure if the director is also questioning it or it's just me. The belief of the two old women, the responsibility of taking care of goldfish for a year, is like the task of caring for creatures imposed on them. Whether they understand the core belief of caring for creatures is very doubtful, and they are more afraid of their own death. . In fact, it is understandable to love one's own life and to be self-centered, but if religious belief only strengthens the self-centered view, it will undoubtedly dim the aura of holiness.

The film also puts a question mark on education. The niece's teacher plays a political role in beautifying the social status quo, and the director's niece's cute and confused face is the best reminder for the audience to think.

In short, the director was dissatisfied with and cared about the environment in Iran. Like his loyal fans, he was banned from the Iranian government from practicing. One is the film industry and the other is the judicial world. Yet they are still engaged, which may give them hope for society.

The fan's rose is given to all filmmakers, and this loving, energetic and adorable fan image is also a tribute to film lovers.

The biggest discovery that the movie gave me is that the ubiquitous cameras are actually the ubiquitous movie shooting sites, and the reality is not that far from the screen.

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Taxi quotes

  • Nasrin Sotoudeh: They work in a way that let us to know they are watching us.Their tactics are obvious.First, they write you up a police record. Suddenly, you are accused of being an agent for Mossad, The CIA, or MI6. Then they tack on something about your morals, your lifestyle. They make your life into a prison.Although you are released from prison, but the outside world is only a bigger prison.They make your nearest friends into your worst enemies.After that you think all you can do is either leave the country or pray to return to that hole. So i think it's better to let it go.

  • Jafar Panahi: Those films are already made, those books are already written. You have to look elsewhere, you have to find it for yourself.

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