"I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" is an animated film directed and written by Shinichiro Ushishima and produced by studio VOLN. The work is adapted from the novel of the same name by Sumino Yasuya and illustrated by loundraw. The film was released in Japan on September 1, 2018. It is distributed by China Film Co., Ltd. in mainland China and released on January 18, 2019. Hong Kong, China is distributed by Lingbang and will be released on March 21, 2019.
The unnamed teenage protagonist and the patient heroine without a future, after he picked up her diary "Common Disease Library", two people who had never met in the class, and their lives have changed since then. For the boy, he wanted the recovery of the girl with pancreatic disease, and for the girl, she wanted a normal life to live with him. When two people with opposite personalities meet, their emotions complement each other.
Look at the picture get!
I understand the meaning of life
have the best love
I have done everything, thank you for being with me at the end of my life, very happy
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