However, society is not driven by evildoers, nor by the weak or benevolent, but by the strong. This is an unchanging law of nature. When you are violent, it means that you are stronger than the weaker party; when you face your sin and feel guilty, it means that the sin is stronger than you. In the face of other people's evil, if you are stronger than him, you can make him pay the price. In the face of the victim, if you are stronger than him, you can help. Morality, conscience, these high-level words, when you think about it, it's just how you think about them.
The family in the film is obviously much stronger in the face of this ordinary female worker; however, in the face of the law and morality, they are so weak that they use various excuses to comfort their actions later. For female workers, it may be a tragedy, or a person who does not want to abide by the rules and quits a game.
People are just chasing to become stronger, to live better spiritually or materially. Of course, if you can help more people while chasing these, or make more people feel that "it's so lucky to be in the same era as him", this is the great man, good man or successful person in our traditional sense. Bar
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