Humanistic Care in "Migrating Birds"

Abby 2022-04-21 09:03:11

"Migrating Birds" is full of humanistic feelings. This documentary focuses on the migratory life of birds and tells the story of a man and nature in a poetic film and television language. "The migration of migratory birds is a promise, a promise of return, on a dangerous journey of thousands of kilometers for only one purpose: to survive. Migration is a fight for life." At the beginning of the film, what appeared to the audience was not pure Bird is a kind of creature with thoughts and feelings. The photographer, with his full imagination and keen observation, put his care into a world that is closely related to human beings and is often overlooked, in the well-known natural world. Discovered the power of life. The photographer uses the consciousness of equality to present these birds, who have witnessed their commitment with their lives, in front of the audience, as if they have thoughts and feelings like humans. Flying is a kind of freedom. For birds, flying is always accompanied by danger. In the one and a half hours of the film, the audience followed the birds to fly over the whole earth. There are very few people here. It seems that birds are the protagonists of this planet, but it is found that most of the natural features on this planet have been changed by humans, and traces of artificial carving can be found everywhere. Watching those innocent birds fly over the heavily polluted city makes one have to think about our living environment, what exactly is our so-called industrial development bringing to the earth?

There are not many storylines in the film, but the director Jacques Behan used these few stories to capture the instinct of survival and the driving force of hope for the audience. Deep in the soul, when a bird fell after a gunshot, an American parrot escaped successfully, and the combine harvester was about to run over the young creature, which made the audience overjoyed and grieved, and the desire to touch the bird was sprouted again and again. When flocks of birds fly over the turbid city, the newborn birds open their mouths to wait for their mother's food, and the birds with broken wings keep dodging the chasing of swarms of crabs, making people involuntarily reflect on The state of existence of creatures in nature. A playful gray goose was left behind. It was entangled in a worn fishing net and struggled in the pond, unable to escape, watching its companions go away. The kind-hearted boy approached it slowly and cut the fishing net with a knife. It flew straight into the sky with the remaining part of the net wire. It survived and caught up with the team. They flew over forests, lakes, swamps, over cities, farmhouses and fields. The camera was aimed more than once at the net cables left on the grey goose's feet. After a arduous and long migration process, it once again returned to the year when it was entangled. In the pond at the foot, the boy who rescued it back then ran to the edge of the pond curiously, but the boy had grown a year older, but the grey goose had already experienced Nirvana once. Migration is the promise of migratory birds to return, but they fulfill this promise of migration with their lives, just like at the end of the film "the migratory birds pay tribute to spring, and their journey in the sky is crowded again, and the promise of return has come true". Through these lenses, the audience can feel the careful care and love of the creator. The whole film shows the creator's reverence and praise for nature through exquisite pictures and beautiful music, and pours deep humanistic care into it, so that the audience can strongly feel the beauty and holiness of the relationship between man and nature.

Excerpted from "Reality and Construction, Theoretical Research on Documentary Communication" Fan Wende

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Winged Migration quotes

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: The story of bird migration is the story of promise - a promise to return.