How shall I greet you if we meet after many years? With silence, with tears. After watching the whole movie, the feelings in the two parts are different, but I don't know how to describe it. I just remember the middle part where Jenny said to Andrew, "Sometimes we think life has betrayed us, but it is only after a long time that we realize that it is we who have betrayed us." I have an indescribable feeling that I feel that it is not that reality is too cruel, but that at certain moments those firm beliefs have still betrayed themselves, and those who think it is possible to struggle for a while still choose to give up.
I can't understand what love is? In the end no one can say clearly, but if you want to make all this absolute. And I only want to be together because your choice is biased towards my double-sided personality, but I also know that various impossible factors will hinder us in the future. You are not determined to come to me, I also choose to betray myself, and I also choose a better choice.
It turned out that the part where Andrew ran into the rain was because he felt his love was tarnished. His shivering in the rain was heartbreaking. It turned out to be an escape from this reality, but in the end, the hot-headed teenager chose to be unyielding in love, and would rather give up his life than keep this love. It turns out that not everyone just escapes temporarily, not forever It turns out that there are still people who are willing to risk their lives and can't regret it turns out that reality is still reality What happened to me is still reality I still live as a double-faced person, want to live for love, but know that only Love cannot survive. I want to let go of everything for love, but I know that life still has to go on, I want to love only one person in my life, even if I can only wait for the ending, but I am afraid of missing the scenery along the way and have nothing, maybe idealism will eventually lose to reality, even if not. Willing to compromise.
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