The main content of Detective Conan: Shinichi Kudo, a famous Japanese high school student detective, found a man in black with a strange whereabouts during a date with his childhood sweetheart Maurilan and took the opportunity to follow him. In the process of peeking at their transaction, he was unfortunately attacked from behind by another man in black. They gave Kudo Shinichi a drug called Aptx4869, and a miraculous scene happened Kudo Shinichi changed back to how he was when he was a child. He turned to Dr. A Li for help and obeyed his words, not telling his friends his identity. After becoming small, Kudo Shinichi aliased himself as Edogawa Conan, and lived in Xiaolan's house while helping Xiaolan's father, Mouri Kogoro, to find out the whereabouts of the man in black.
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