
Percival 2022-04-20 09:02:51

First of all, as a part of a series, there is no way to determine whether this one is a springboard without seeing the next one. It would be a disaster to single out this movie. It is disgusting to see the contrast between the expectations of "Broken" and the finished film, and it is not a positive effect. The second is that it will definitely make the vast majority of viewers feel "lonely watching". In fact, the 97 version of EVA, even if the religion and theology belong to the desert, can also get other aspects such as; arrogant, cold, enthusiastic, autistic and other meticulous and complex characters, the tension created by the story production layer and the watch sex. Even if it finally rises to the stream of consciousness, theology, and philosophy that are separated from the traditional logic and the general audience, most audiences do not feel disgusted. I think it is because the TV version has achieved a ceiling in all aspects that can be seen, so the audience is willing to I believe that this work is willing to explore the so-called "incomprehensible" higher-level things. Going back to this theatrical version, who is not confused? It is not against the creator's placement of the riddle maze, but the creator's maze is not as good as the one 20 years ago. ps This is only the feeling of reaching 3/4, and it may subvert the current state of mind at the end.

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