Rustic Hope, Hidden Romance

Adolphus 2022-04-21 09:03:10

Nothing is born, and Moscow was not built in a day. Moscow does not believe in tears, but in love.

Today's review: "Moscow does not believe in tears"

Soviet film. Produced in 1979, released in 1980, and won the "Oscar Award for Best Foreign Language Film" in 1981. At that time, the Oscar was awarded to such a Soviet film, think about how capable it is.

Some people who have watched it said: The film is average, I don't understand what the director is talking about, what is the political situation? Speaking of women's independence? It doesn't seem to be well spoken.


I have always felt that "moving movies" is such a subjective human cultural activity, why do you have to figure out the meaning of watching movies? Only if the director can make a film of great significance and the audience can see the great truth, can it be considered a "movie"?

The purpose of watching the movie is very different.

Some people want to learn something from them, some find themselves in it, some people come to vent their indescribable desires, and some just eat dinner with a movie.

As for me, it resonated, and it was the movie I love. Mind you, it's a movie I love, not necessarily a "good" movie, but I just love it.

If there is a favorite favorite in the list, and I love it so much that I don’t even want to share it generously with others, let alone watch it several times myself, it is really “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, there is no such thing.

Talk about Moscow in 1958. Talk about the life, ideals, love and work of a group of young people.

A beautiful and self-motivated business woman.

The second female expert with big breasts and fat buttocks.

The female third step is simple, diligent and thrifty.

|The third female is the first to have a happy family.

|The second woman successfully brainwashed the first woman, and assisted all the way in helping the first woman meet the scumbag. Later, I married well, but I couldn't live well.

|The first woman was pitted by her teammates, she was pitted by the scumbag man, gave birth to a baby, the baby grew up, and the first woman entered the pit of the second scumbag again, but this time she was profitable, quickly climbed out of the pit, and kicked the second scumbag in seconds. Finally, one night in the dark and windy night, the forty-year-old single woman No. 1 met the male protagonist on the train.

The male protagonist is Gosha.

Personality: Love the heroine, love life, have a good relationship with one another (same-sex fate...), and have a real sense of humor. The speech was short and smooth, and I couldn't understand it. Meet and drink first, then be friends.

In this way, the male protagonist rode the wind and waves to capture successively: the female protagonist, the female protagonist's daughter, the third female, the third female husband, and the second female. After drinking nonsense with the third female husband and shooting salted fish, they quickly became brothers.

The above summary is over.

Talk about moving.

The heroine met a scumbag when she was young. This man is usually not very scumbag, but in the end he was very dazzling. Without talking about the key points, it is really difficult to see the attributes of a scumbag at a glance. If you knew what the hell it would be like at the beginning of a relationship, then many tragedies in the world might be spared. Falling in love is overwhelming, that's what it is.

True love belongs to fools, the more difficult it is for those who see too clearly and live too awake to embrace pure love. The heroine was in her early twenties, she was a fool, she met a heart-wrenching person, and she also met an unreliable love. It was indeed unreliable, but it was love.

Love is not the same as love.

Love is the definition of relationship, stating the attributes of relationship, not friendship, not family, but love between men and women. Whether the love is strong or not is another matter, but the relationship attribute is "love".

Love is different. Love is not used to define relationships. Love is an emotion, the human psyche.

Love is a relationship, involving two people. Love is an emotion, even alone. It is impossible to talk about a "love" relationship if a person is alone, but a person can have love, and love is your own thing.

The heroine is not perfect.

I was stupid when I was young, I couldn't see people accurately, and I suffered a loss. I raised my daughter alone. After more than ten years, I was still blind when I met the second person, and I continued to be single. The pillar of the family, the strong woman in the factory. On the way home, I bought a bunch of flowers for myself, and when I got home, I tried to take my daughter to gossip with her, but her daughter ignored her.

Seeing this, someone else stood up and said: She came to this step by herself, who made it stupid at the beginning, no wonder the world, no one blamed others.

Well, that's right.

But who can perfectly make the right choice in everything in life?

who can?

I was moved by her stupidity and all the imperfections in her life.

Because it 's so real .

People are like that.

What is it like?

Just make mistakes .

Her imperfections make me think she is so alive .

It's okay to love someone, make mistakes, and be fooled. Who hasn't done anything bad, but she has grown. Build a completely different life from the ruins of your own mistakes, without gaining sympathy, without excessive heartbreak, without indulging in misfortune and being unable to extricate yourself, to put it bluntly, without breaking the chain for yourself.

She doesn't focus on her pain.

What to do when you cry a few times and wipe away your tears, this is the real virtue of life.

Cassia met Gosha at the age of 40, it was not too late, the day just started, just right.

Gosha ran away in anger, and Cassia looked for him for several days. When he came back, Cassia looked at Gosha who was eating.

Cassia: How long have I been looking for you?

Gotha: Eight days.

Cassia shook her head: How long have I been looking for you.

Rustic hope, secret romance.

As if telling all the secrets in your heart.

I love this movie, it makes me feel the truth and loveliness of imperfect life.

Finally, here is the lyrics of the ending song:

Can't arrange everything

Moscow was not built in a day

Moscow does not believe in tears

but believe in love


flying leaves

Pedestrians get warm

trees get soil


©️Little Bear

Personal public number: AFEudemonia [Fragrance, food, music, poetry, the truth, and everything about a good life]

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Extended Reading

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears quotes

  • Lyudmila Gurina: Don't cry.

    Lyudmila Gurina: You know what Moscow thinks of tears.

    Lyudmila Gurina: We shouldn't be sitting around, we should do something.