the price of love

Keith 2022-11-30 16:50:23

Imagine a man who is free, romantic, passionate, and sexy. He will say "Come to my place for breakfast" at the door of the bar, and he will ask you if you want his phone number, and then Throwing your phone at you will get up at night nervously to iron, just because you want a baby. If there is such a man in your life, who can resist?

The heroine Tony is also not. She is a lawyer, symbolizing the power of absolute rationality. She is confident and happy. She will take the initiative to chat with George when she sees George in the bar. She will go to his house and will be desperate into his life. George loves her like this, so he said "you are not ordinary in my eyes". Just such a romantic person and a person who yearns for romance, when they are together, they will laugh without scruples, kiss anytime and anywhere, and play childish games in bed.

How beautiful it is when you love, how painful it is when you don't love. Ever since the presence of Agnes made the pregnant Tony feel pain, she has been on the verge of collapse, she is no longer confident, no longer easy to handle, and those personalities that once made George fall in love with her, she now has very little left. She became more sensitive, more suspicious, more hysterical, often lost her temper, and cried a lot. So George left her and didn't seem willing to look at her either.

In fact, I think George is very strict in love. He does not allow his lover to make mistakes, and does not allow the other party to become what he doesn't like. Once it is not what he likes, he will no longer love each other, and even hurt each other. When Tony was about to get a divorce, I was shocked that it seemed that George hurt Tony more, but he didn't seem to know that he always had the ability to say things like "Tony, I can't live the way you want", And one can't blame him.

Then they divorced, but the relationship became more intimate, because Tony became happy, confident, successful, which deeply attracted George. But they can't be together anymore, because Tony knows that George is not suitable for him, and the person who is really suitable to be together should be tolerant of each other's everything, not someone who is only willing to rush when the other party shows his advantages.

The movie is only told from Tony's point of view, after all, the name is "my" king. So we have no way of knowing more about George's past. Did he have other women when he was alone? What is his relationship with Agnes? How could he owe so much money? But even without these, we don't think the plot develops very abruptly, because the whole movie only focuses on the emotional entanglement between Tony and George, and only focuses on the joy and suffering in the process of Tony falling in love with George. For the rest, we can all Do not care.

In fact, I think the most attractive thing about George is that he always has the ability to bring happiness to people, and he never cares about other people's eyes. He would lead two ponies on the beach and pretend to be embarrassed at the restaurant for his son's birthday. He has this ability, it just depends on whether he wants to show it or not. He is free and unrestrained, but full of style. You hate him for itching teeth one second, and you love him madly the next second. I don't think anyone who has been with him for a long time can still maintain a normal and healthy mind. So the extreme reactions of Tony and his ex-girlfriend all reflect how magical George is.

Digression: Vincent Caso is the sexiest man I have ever seen. He is not handsome in the typical sense, but he exudes a gentle and scumbag atmosphere, so watching him play George in the movie, I think it is his true nature act.

Finally put a handsome photo of him to end

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My King quotes

  • Solal: My thing in life is making myself happy. So, I do nothing. That's when I'm happiest.

  • Marie-Antoinette Jézéquel, dite Tony: I don't know you, in fact. We don't know each other.