Weekly shows that it will come again next year

Marlen 2022-04-23 07:05:44

The first part of the summer supplement plan, in the last summer vacation, I gave priority to this campus show marked "Nail Palace", "God's Work" and "Love".
After a week, this anime can only be understood if you revisit it again.
is undoubtedly the main driver of this show. The setting of one man and three women, arrogance, God's perspective, mutual harm and other elements make this group of friends unable to face their hearts. From the beginning of the dragon and tiger's yearning for the "ghost", the subsequent confusion, to the cognition, and finally to face the true heart, plus the girl's self-harm because they want to protect each other and the God's perspective that sees everything clearly. , When you are deeply involved in the plot, you can feel that only the love in the campus will be like this.
Family, the ideal
is a vine attached to the trunk, but it is the dazzling shining point of this work full of the rancid smell of love.
Taitai gave Long'er a home and devoted everything he had, and he was the only one in the world; Long'er gave Hu a home, grew up with each other, and helped each other; also because of this "home", everyone's wishes were all wasted and they were worried about themselves. His willfulness will hurt his family, so his ideals are kept at the bottom of the box and become blank lists of volunteers. But one can be implicated by fetters, but not by them. Just like Long'er filling in his wishes at the end, Menghu returned to his mother's side.
As soon as I write it, I want to spoil it. Hey, the essence of this anime is to appreciate it again. Its details and its dialogue will make you more excited than the ending and the direction of the characters.
PS; Some people say that Yamei is very heartbroken. She is too mature. The more she understands, the more she understands the pain and the more she restrains her emotions, so she chooses adult beauty and hides her thoughts in the vending machine. in the cracks. But isn't that what you are now?

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