Dragon and Tiger Fight

Kole 2022-04-21 09:03:52

When I first started watching this anime, it was also recommended on countless websites and post bars, so I didn’t expect much, but for various reasons (the most important one was that I thought the male protagonist was ugly at the beginning, and I didn’t like the domineering high). Cold type, a complete housewife type, a little disappointed) I didn't really watch it. I only came here yesterday for the second brush, and it didn't stop at all for a day. All in all, this anime is still very interesting. Whether it's the character design or the plot, there are different people's sorrows in the warm and funny. Those unspeakable thoughts, sour and astringent, constitute the youthful love of the dragon and the tiger.
After watching this drama, there is no so-called emptiness and loneliness. It's not like I'm still unsatisfied after watching some animes, and I desperately search for similar animes. On the contrary, it gives me the feeling that it is very dull, very happy, and it is a very happy work. . Now let me tell you how I felt after watching the show.
Dragon and tiger, in our impression, are always mentioned at the same time, but it gives people the feeling that they are evenly matched and have a very equal relationship, but this drama has subverted people's perception from the very beginning. You know, Da He has the figure of Lolita, but has the agile nickname of "Tiger in the Palm"; Long Er has the appearance of a bad boy, but has the same mind as a family girl who is serious about cleanliness. This is the contrasting cuteness that is very popular now. It is this seemingly contradictory setting that adds a lot of highlights to the show. Of course, a girl who is so hearty and neurotic like Xiao Shi also has her own cautious mind and a sense of guilt for Dahe, and a good student like Kitamura who is upright and exemplary will also be rebellious and uninhibited when she is rejected by the girl she likes On the one hand, there is also our lovely Yamei, on the one hand beautiful and natural, on the other hand a black-bellied princess, but unexpectedly has the exquisite heart of an outsider, and we have to sigh, it is this kind of too real and too complicated character The character and the interpersonal relationship that wants to talk and leave are irresistible.
For the emotional drama in it, this is even more worth mentioning. This is not only the various entanglements in the anime, but also every real story reflected in our real life. Many people may think that Dahe and Longer shouldn't be together, because compared to Dahe, Xiaoshi and Amei did not get Longer, which is the happiness they expected. In fact, in each story, except for two people who can be happy, the rest of the people who participate in the story leave regrets and heartfelt blessings, that is to say, in a love story, there can be no first The three of them are happy, so whether it is Xiao Shi's forbearance of "guilt" or the love that Ami has never said, they can only be regrets, and they can only be people outside the world of dragons and tigers. Love, even if there are regrets, it is still very beautiful, isn't it, at least Longer really likes Xiaoshi, and left Xiaoshi with a gorgeous memory like fireworks on the beach in that summer vacation; at least Longer also sincerely accepts Amei The two-faced person also saw the childlike innocence under the mature appearance of Ami. Regardless of whether they are together or not, it is fate to meet each other. What's more, our hearty Xiaoshi and lovely Ami also sincerely hope that the best friend can be happy. Xiao Shi said goodbye to the tears after Dahe and Long'er eloped, and Ami muttered to herself behind her back, it's not pitiful, they are not sad enough to hope for the sympathy of others. It is their strength, forbearance, tolerance and hard work that lead to the happiness of the dragon and the tiger. Everything they do and sacrifice is what each of us should see. We should not feel sorry for them, but instead. They should be admired, and we should see what the author really wants to express, that is, not everyone is selfish in love. In our real life, the probability of such a thing happening may be too small. After all, when we meet the person we think is right, no matter who it is, we will not give up easily, but Xiao Shi and the others did it because they Seeing the already inseparable bond between the dragon and the tiger, it is because they understand that the dragon and the tiger are mutually dependent and like each other, and there is no room for them to intervene, so they choose to fulfill, not for themselves Destroying the happiness of others, taking a step back so that everyone can be happy, this is the real friend, this is the real expression of love for Longer. Just like what Ke Jingteng said at Shen Jiayi's wedding in "Those Years", "If you really like a girl, when she finds someone who loves her and loves her, you will sincerely bless her."
Having said so much, let's get back to the point. Let's talk about our protagonists CP Dragon and Tiger. About their love, I want to say three points. First, it is destiny. Life may be short or long, going around in circles, some people may never meet the person they love in their entire life, but the dragon and the tiger are lucky people, they not only meet the person they love, but also such a suitable person. Their meeting was entirely coincidental and plausible. They are all famous characters on campus, a small but extremely fierce tiger in the palm, and a tall bearded dragon who wears a bad appearance but has a delicate mind and loves, the same contrast and cuteness, the same incompatibility and incomprehensible. The same home location, closely separated by a window, how to separate the world of two people. The people who happen to like are the other's best friends, so they form a love alliance. Therefore, it is difficult to keep these two people from intersecting. It can also be said that the meeting of two people is inevitable. The dragon and the tiger are really a natural pair. Second, that is the long-running flow of water, and you will realize it later. We can clearly see that Dahe and Longer were really just friends at the beginning. Their love for Xiaoshi and Beicun is obvious. When they meet someone they like, isn't it just blush and stuttering? It's all normal behavior. But it is inevitable that Dahe and Longer are getting closer and closer, and they get along little by little day and night, so that the two sides have become more and more aware of each other's heart and real life. Long'er slowly understood the loneliness and loneliness in Dahe's heart. She was just a poor child without the care of her parents. She was in a big cold room all day with a vulnerability that was different from her appearance. She longed to be loved and loved others. , She longs for friends and company, she longs to be a good child just to get gifts from Santa Claus, she has an irresponsible father but still has the longing and expectation for father's love, her petite body really bears the burden Too much, she is sincere and frank, she is arrogant and arrogant, but she is cute and pitiful. It is precisely because of this that Long'er cares and loves her meticulously like a loving father. At first, she may just feel pitiful for her. Only to get close to Xiaoshi, I came into contact with Dahe, but once the fetters are formed, he can no longer leave her, and he cannot be left alone, so no matter who is, no one can stop Longer from guarding Dahe at all times. As for Long Er, he also has pain that he can't tell. He didn't realize father's love. His family is not rich. Mother and son depend on each other. That's all. I finally understand who the bento is for and with what kind of mood. The original family of two has become a family of three. Long'er adapts to the existence of Dahe, and cherishes the appearance of Dahe even more. So in the later period, when Dahe gradually moved away, the classmates deliberately matched, and many times he saw Dahe wearing a swimsuit, the evening dress was like the stunning elf, the warmth of an angel, the feeling of constant parting, hesitating to speak, he was actually conscious When he arrives, or he is dull, or he doesn't know how to face the embarrassment, it can be said that he can't believe it (after all, he liked Xiaoshi very much before), we have to admit that at the critical moment, what he is most worried about is Dahe, and he is also reluctant. Dahe, the first thing that comes to mind is Dahe. Love is like this, love at first sight is also love, long-lasting is also love, there is no dynamism, no earth-shattering , It doesn't matter, it's just you and me, as well as our ordinary touching, I love you in these days like water. Third, that is the right person. I have to say that Dahe and Longer are very suitable people, which is what we call complementary personalities. The complementarity of their tempers (not to mention this), Da He is a person who lacks love and thinks that everyone in this world has abandoned her. It is the appearance of Long Er that makes this girl feel the warmth she has never had before. From cooking for her at the beginning, to taking care of her in all aspects of daily life, I was afraid of her being hurt, I didn't want her to be alone, and endured all her willful demands and arrogant temper. When she woke up, she was completely Relying on the gentle moon, she has completely indulged in the net that Long'er has made for her, so after Longer's departure on Christmas Eve, Dahe's heart-wrenching cry, as if his own moon is not. He will shine again for himself to ascend into the night sky. Long'er's departure is undoubtedly fatal to Dahe, so for Dahe, it may be that Beicun has warmed her, but the light of Longer who is always by his side has long been gone. Cover that kind of warmth and become the kind of unique and inseparable person. And when Longer comes, just like what Amei said, Xiaoshi is the sun and he is the moon. If you want to force them together, the light of the moon will eventually be swallowed up, but Dahe is different. Dahe has a kind of feeling for Longer. A girl develops the feeling of remembering, taking care of it slowly, protecting it carefully, no one else can touch or touch it. Some people may say that this is not a reciprocal relationship, but for a family man like Longer , a girl who lacks love like Da He needs him the most. At the same time, when Dahe accepts his care, he is always protecting Longer, thinking about the future of Longer and Xiaoshi, for his hard work in the swimming pool, for his domineering confession and anxious tears outside the swimming pool, in order not to let him Sad to choose to accept an irresponsible father, to spend Christmas alone for his happiness, to eat instant noodles, to rush down the snow slope for his precious gift, to leave him to grow up alone in order to love him, Dahe is not selfish, she is right. Long'er's love is also revealed when the meaning is unclear. Long'er saw this, felt it, and at the same time tightly tied her heart. Love doesn't mean that you love me, I just love you. We often say that people with similar personalities are easy to attract each other, but people with complementary personalities are more suitable for marriage and living. Dragon and tiger are the latter, and suitable people can live longer. . After receiving these, it also tightly tied his heart. Love doesn't mean that you love me, I just love you. We often say that people with similar personalities are easy to attract each other, but people with complementary personalities are more suitable for marriage and living. Dragon and tiger are the latter, and suitable people can live longer. . After receiving these, it also tightly tied his heart. Love doesn't mean that you love me, I just love you. We often say that people with similar personalities are easy to attract each other, but people with complementary personalities are more suitable for marriage and living. Dragon and tiger are the latter, and suitable people can live longer. .
In the end, I hope that every character in it can have their own path and be happy, because this is a story about happiness.

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