This is true youth

Janiya 2022-04-21 09:03:52

I don't know how many times I've watched this youth love light comedy of Dragon and Tiger, but every time I watch it, it still makes me laugh and tear. Each character in the film has its own distinct personality and different The way to express love~ Although only the official match of dragon and tiger was achieved in the end, the secret love of other characters is impressive, whether it is a confession or a confession~ Although love has the sweetness of success and the sourness of failure~ But this Is the real youth ah!

[Takasu Ryuuji]

This male protagonist who looks like a bad boy when he appears on the scene is actually a housewife male =. = Cleaning, cooking, sewing, and various master skills are good at everything. This contrast is really stunned... and the behavior of secretly in love with Minori is delusional about everything related to it. In short, I accidentally received a love letter from Dahe to the wrong person and reached a secret love and mutual help duo... But I don't know when it started, but Long'er, who should have liked Xiaoshi, paid more and more attention to On the body of Dahe, it is said that the virtue of being a chest pad is really unique~ Stupid Long'er has never found his true heart, and even confessed to Xiaoshi. My own emotions~ From the beginning of escaping and hiding Dahe's intentions; to impulsive telling Dahe the explosive declaration of marriage and elopement; to finally being able to calmly tell Dahe, whom I haven't seen for a long time, that I love you!

【Sakamoto Taiga】

This daring girl who sent the wrong love letter as soon as she appeared on the scene, and a sturdy girl who wanted to destroy the evidence and broke into the house privately, reached an alliance because she and Longer knew each other's secret love~ In order to help the other party to achieve a relationship, he has been defeated repeatedly on the road But the more frustrated the more courageous~ The tiger is really clumsy, he actually finds out that he likes the other party after refusing to confess to the object =. = This is definitely a story that makes me unable to complain... But if it weren't for such a misunderstanding, the dragon and the tiger would not have been created as a couple~ Dahe is always clumsy when facing his own feelings, and he can clearly speak loudly. Shouting out the explosive declaration "Long'er is mine", but when he learned of his heart, he chose to pretend to be generous and unscrupulously push Long'er into Xiao Shi's arms, and then regretted being alone on the street without people. Shouting Longer's despairing cry, Dahe is heartbreaking at this time~ Because I am used to being alone, I dare not touch the nostalgic tenderness easily, because it is better to never have it than to be afraid of losing it, but Fortunately, we were able to be together in the end.

[Kushieda Minori]

Actually, I've never really liked the character set like a virgin girl. I always feel that this kind of enthusiastic girl is a bit contrived~ So I have always been a very contradictory emotion for Xiaoshi, Love it and hate it~ She can see through the tears and loneliness under Dahe's disguise, and can see through Dahe's father's hypocrisy, but she can't see through her sincerity towards Long'er. The most important thing is the spirit, so just because she knows that she needs Longer more than her own river, she can hide her emotions and push Longer to the river completely~ Because she is strong, she can face it alone. Nothing needs to be relied upon! In fact, Xiao Shi is more real than anyone else! Xiao Shi who cried and said, "A fall in the corridor will cause nosebleeds, and a fall in life will leave tears" is amazing!

【Ami Kawashima】

As a two-faced character who appears on the stage is not likable, the perfect image in disguise is really annoying enough, but when the disguise is taken off to show the true image of black belly and rough, I really like it~ Ami is the only premature She is a character who is already rolling in the adult world, so she is much more mature than other characters who only live on campus~ She can calmly see through the emotions of the people around her, and it is actually very useful for Xiao Shi to hide her love for friendship. Disapproves, but comforts Xiaoshi when she cries. In fact, even though he likes Long'er, he wants to fulfill other people's mutual affection. He silently hides his unrequited love in the bottom of his heart, so that no one will notice it and cause no trouble to anyone. This is unique to Yamei. Mature charm.

[Yusaku Kitamura]

It's just a joke. He has a very fanatical obsession with being naked. It is said that after Mao confesses to Dahe, he can immediately fall in love with the chairman. This is unscientific~ But Kitamura is the whole film about feelings The bravest person~ Although after learning that my senior is going to go abroad, I feel all kinds of decadence, dyeing yellow hair, running away from home, and all kinds of middle school behaviors, but I quickly cheered up with the help of my friends, and in the middle of nowhere. At the inauguration ceremony of the student council president, I made a loud confession to my senior sister in front of everyone. Maybe I knew that there would be no response, but I was loyal to my heart and did things that I would not regret. This kind of courage is not for everyone~Especially I expressed my respect and gratitude after learning about my sister's true feelings. It's really manly~

[Kano Sumire]

As a small supporting role with few appearances, her brilliance is more dazzling than any character! In the face of Beicun's feelings, she chose to escape by not responding. This cowardly style is not scientific. Then, under the questioning of Dahe, the idiot, she finally screamed and told the truth, "What do you understand about me? If I can be an idiot like you, I want to be too, I also want to be an idiot who just keeps moving forward, if I say I like him, he will follow me, if you know what I want to do I will do this for me, sacrificing a lot of things for this, he is such a person, so... so I can't be a fool." This scene really made me cry countless times, senpai's love It's the deepest~ She wants to protect Beicun in her own way, and doesn't want him to make too many sacrifices for herself, so she would rather choose to escape and forbear~

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