The beauty of sour youth

Kailey 2022-04-19 09:03:14

It's an old show, but it's really getting more and more flavorful.

If I watch it at station B now, there are often barrages floating by, saying that I feel sorry for the male protagonist, I feel sorry for the female protagonist, the male protagonist is pitiful, and the female protagonist is pitiful...

I can only say that the person who wrote this kind of barrage may not understand this show. When I watched this show, I thought of a sentence, 18- and 19-year-old boys and girls only want to grow up. It is only when you are really grown up that you will feel that the youth of 18 or 19 years old is very precious.

The emotional scenes in this drama are relatively delicate. He is not like many dog ​​abuse fans. He is very sweet, just like many people look like when they are young. It is the person you like, and the precious friendship.

This is unique and precious only in youth.

The male and female protagonists in it, even the second female, the third female, and the second male, may not be able to figure out their mood at the time.

Because this film has a bit of a taste of everyday life, the days go by like a drop of water passing through a stone, and some feelings change unknowingly. The person who sees his heart clearly at once is God, not a teenager who is troubled by his love in adolescence. girl.

The complex and delicate emotional line is like the feeling of woolen yarn in adolescence, whether you like him or not, this kind of tossing and turning, repeated tangled mood, only after you really have a secret crush can you understand.

This show is actually quite suitable for repeated viewing, because many details and delicate feelings must be detected after several weeks of reading. Just like the memories of youth, the mood and details that you may not be able to perceive at that time will wait for you for many years. Looking back on it later, I realized that it was possible that they were secretly in love with each other at that time.

If you simply use a harem fan or open a harem to look forward to the future development, it will change the taste of the fan. You, me and him who go forward intuitively.

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