After a lapse of ten years, I took out this work and revisited it again.

Olen 2022-04-19 09:03:14

Dragon and Tiger, you know the ending series after reading the title, but it does not prevent it from becoming a masterpiece of youth love.

To be honest, the role of Menghu in the palm of the hand should be considered very popular ten years ago. After all, it was when Aojiao was popular, but Aojiao ruined his life, so Menghu must be a controversial character. I like it Her people will think that although she is very naive, she is very cute. People who don't like her will make people very unhappy. Tsundere itself is a kind of attribute that divides the audience, so I see people who don't like cuteness. Hu, even scolding her, I am not surprised at all. Putting this aside, let me talk about my understanding of this character. Meng Hu's family belongs to a carefree environment but does not have the slightest warmth. This kind of environment comes out. Miss, you expect to be like a virgin, even if you treat people like an ordinary person, it is almost impossible, and an inferior dog treats a male protagonist who takes care of her in every possible way, even with my personal preference filter, it still feels too much, Moreover, he treats the people around him with thorns all over his body, as well as violent tendencies, sloppy, rude, oops, these shortcomings are really endless, and the male protagonist's character is now a typical "licking dog", it was abandoned at the beginning because of this There are a lot of people, right? I didn't like this character very much at first, Tsundere? What the hell is this, someone like this? Such a person actually still has friends, and this man, what kind of blessing can you meet in the past life? It's so good, so annoying, etc., so I can understand the feelings of those who hate her, but I'm glad Yes, I chased it down and merged into the class at the back. Facing the family I used to hate so much, and the dragon's mouth full of ambiguous mouths, I could really feel the growth of the character from reliance on the male protagonist to self-reliance, so Later, I fell in love with Menghu.

其中两个剧情,让我特别有感触,一个是萌虎因为自己初恋对象向学生会长告白却被糊弄过去了,一气之下居然提木刀去揍人了!? It was really incomprehensible when I watched this episode back then. Maybe this person has a problem with his brain, but now it seems that this is youth, and he is young and vigorous. Sometimes he has to use his fists to speak, even if he knows it is wrong, is the student council president? Don't know it's wrong to fight? She could completely hold off her opponent and let her classmates report to the teacher to give them a suspension from school, but youth is a memory of stupid things, so she laughed when she finally saw the president of the letter. The other is when the dragon and tiger eloped, one looked at a very funny plot, high school students eloped? play? Both Long and Tiger are high school students, and they don't have the ability to live independently. Thinking about hiding for two months and getting married, everything will be solved. This is undoubtedly a manifestation of youth and frivolity. How to go, but it is also reasonable. The two high school students can think clearly about their future path, but it is very unrealistic. In the end, they hide in their hometown for a while, making their parents worry that their foolishness will be ended hastily. But these few friends who can stand up when they are in trouble, and even the best friends who can even take out all the part-time wages that they have worked so hard to earn, are really rare. Friendship at this time is genuine. Although it is foolishness, who doesn't do something on a whim and recklessly? This is undoubtedly a page of youth. When you are mature and stop doing stupid things, youth is gone.…

This work is different from the general routine of love. The three female protagonists do not compete with each other, but humble each other and encourage each other. Really, why do you want to be monogamous in animation? I feel bad for not being selected, alas. The energetic Xiaoshi, and the goddess Ami with high emotional intelligence, these two characters are also my favorite characters.

For many people, dragon and tiger really match the word god, but everyone has their own preferences. Even if it is a perfect work, there will still be people who don't like its perfection, so it's okay to think it's a god work. Whether it’s not a masterpiece, it’s all your freedom. We don’t need to fight each other about this topic. It’s really unnecessary, but most people still think that Dragon and Tiger is a good work. The works from ten years ago are still enough for now. Excellent, I haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you to watch it.

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