Thoughts after watching "The Insect Master"

Berenice 2022-04-20 09:02:51

I wrote it a while ago, and I just posted it.

Sad but not sad, borrowing a word from a netizen, I feel that this word is the most appropriate. I looked through the production company, artland, and I think it's good, the conscience of the industry is the same company as "Gun Grave" and "Sunhe". It's the luck of so many people that "The Bugs" was made by it.

I've always considered myself lucky in some ways. I have liked anime for so many years since I was a child, and my favorite works have changed from manga to anime, one by one. I am very lucky to have an excellent production team at the right time and at the right time. Just like "Gintama" encounters Nobuji Takamatsu, who can agree with Soichi; "Steel" encounters Bone Club. The only thing that bothers me is Full Time. Although the production of the old version has twists and turns, it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The new version met the music supervisor who died once in an episode, and only felt that he was watching the sports meeting the whole time. But the production team is indeed making progress, looking forward to the arrival of the ant chapter.

The world of animation is turbulent. Now that I'm hunting for novels, doing basics, selling cuteness, and the harem is overflowing, I can still turn out works like "Insect Master". I was almost moved to tears.

Looking back at the first half of this year, fate has been broken, and I can only say that Lao Xu (Xu Yuanxuan) is your bull. Last year there were also steamed bread cards and QBs who died tens of thousands of times. Breaking my fingers, it can be regarded as a good reputation among the public. I feel like "Stone Gate", and the recent two online games are set for me. I can only watch it, and I really can't find anything. Ah, the spiritual food of loneliness.

Lao Xu has been entangled in some seemingly esoteric things, human nature, human heart and so on. Alexander, who doesn't understand any philosophy. Emiya Kiritsugu has become a focus of bombardment, and I will probably use "selflessness = selfishness" as my evaluation of him. In fact, we have all encountered these choices in our lives, but the size is different. There are things in life you can't be neutral about, just like no one is selfless. Excuse me, did you say yes? Well, just treat me as stupid. As far as people are concerned, being right is nothing more than conforming to your own values, so I've always wondered why so many people are arguing about Emiya Kiritsugu's choice. Of course, my "not understanding" is also based on my own values.

So I really liked Silver Valley from the beginning, the peaceful white-haired bug master. He has no home, no lover, no past, or even a future. But when I watched the whole movie, I didn't feel sorry for him at all. This man, who couldn't stay because of his own constitution, drifted like the wind. When I watched it again, I thought I was actually envious of him. Because his heart is really quiet and transparent. This kind of heart is something I can never get in my life.

As for the setting of "Insect", it's a coincidence that I thought about something similar to this when I was very far before watching the Insect Master.

I've always wondered what "life" is. Dictionaries theory or something, die for a while. I think that people can never understand the world, and by the way, I also feel that people can't fully understand life either. The world is too big and people are too small. I have a brain and a heart, and I can put it in front of others. But who can say that they understand me completely? Occasionally, I have such a dream, I stand in the distance and look at myself, not knowing who the person in my eyes is.

So I think, in addition to this world, there should be another "world". That "world" we'll never be able to touch, where humans come from, but have gone too far and the connection is cut off. Matter binds something and keeps us out of reach. And in that "world", there should be existences like humans existed a long, long time ago. There is no consciousness, no joy or sorrow, perhaps not even instinct. It's just that they exist.

I really hope that one day, or the next lifetime, I can live in such a world. Carrying a medicine box, walking in the mountains and forests, encountering some people, some incidents, and then dying one day, and then living with the world leisurely.

I have always admired Lao Xu, and I think his works are good, but they are limited to liking. I always feel that there is a halo of desire floating under his pen, which makes all his works seem to be either deep or not, or shallow or shallow. There are almost no characters I hate in his writings, and there are many characters whose charisma still attracts me deeply. But no matter how attractive it is, the role model or something, forget it, I am too superficial, and always feel that Lao Xu is actually just that bit of consciousness. It's okay to shake out a lot of human nature problems, which makes the characters in the work very tangled, and makes many spectators very tangled.

So if Lao Xu is really painting "?", is Urushihara Yuki painting "..." with indifference and clear ambition, and tranquility as far as it goes? Yes and no. Maybe simpler.

The world of "Insect Master" is so simple, there is no need to deliberately discuss some family and ethics. People, what did they do, what did they get. Every event, every day, every life is a "begin-end-begin". The author did not write the question, let alone the answer. Questions are given to you by your heart, and you need to seek answers yourself. The dragonfly touches the water, and the white horse crosses the gap. The journey is long, stop and go. Losing is painful, but happiness also follows. Death is trivial and everyone experiences it. And life is short, do it and cherish it.

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