No matter how pure love is, it also needs the existence of luck

Pasquale 2022-12-01 13:16:58

Yoko recites the Bible at length on the beach to accuse Yu:
"Love is not pure enough!"

But everyone's love for Yu is conditional:

the father who broke the precept hoped that Yu's sins would be more serious, in order to alleviate himself guilt.
Yoko, who hates men, wants Yuu to be a woman to suit her own preferences.
The sexually terrified Koike asks Yu to become impotent, unable to get an erection even in the face of the girl he likes, in order to fulfill his fantasy of "pure love".

Everyone kidnapped, blackmailed, and squeezed Yu on the condition of love, just because they loved themselves more than Yu.

Yu, who lost his mother in his early years, lacked love, but he was also the purest of love:
in order to gain his father's love, he secretly photographed girls' underwear all over the street for the "original sin"; in order to gain Yoko's love, he disguised himself as a woman ; In order to rescue Yoko, he did not hesitate to cater to Koike's preferences and turned himself back into impotence.
In order to gain the love of his father and Yoko, and because he deeply loves his father and Yoko, Yu would rather give up himself step by step to fulfill the desires of the person he loves, and does not hesitate to gradually twist himself into a monster.
But it was of no use. His love was not responded, only the denial and ridicule of the loved one:
"You are a pervert."
Yu, who gave everything but received nothing in return, finally died because of the collapse of his faith. Destroyed, completely lost the self, and turned into a delusional complex of other people who became insane. The collapse of Yu caused Koike's belief in pure love to be completely shattered and committed suicide.

But the father and Yoko's ruthlessness towards Yu is not because of their incompetence in love, but because of the object and timing:

Although the father Kakuda Tetsu is indifferent and mean to his son, his love for his ex-wife and Kaoru is extremely pure. He became a priest for his ex-wife's whole-hearted conversion to religion, and for the sake of Xun he gave up everything and re-entered the cult. In the transformation camp, Zhe Jiaotian said to Xun affectionately: "I love you." Sincere and unconditional from the heart. It's not that he can't love, it's just that he doesn't love You.
And Yoko, who has gradually calmed down and matured from the cult of cult, is finally willing to face Yu's true face and recognize and respond to Yu's love. It's not that she can't love, it's just that the realization of love came a little late.

So pure love is not enough, but also need a lucky to be loved. If you don't love you enough, then everyone's love is conditional.

Although Yu loves purely and works hard, luck is essential to get Yoko's love.
If Koike is still alive and lucky enough, maybe she can get the redemption of love as she wishes.

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Love Exposure quotes

  • : I kept forcing sins out of myself like this. It felt like squeezing out the last bit of toothpaste.

  • Tetsu: Have you sinned?

    : [internally] I have to remember! The blue sky... Grass by the river... An insect on a leaf... Flowers in the wind... I can't think of any sins!

    : Today...

    : [internally] I've got one!

    : I went in a café with a wet umbrella and... I splashed water all over the place.

    Tetsu: and then?

    : And... maybe I sprayed water on the customers and made a bit of a disturbance.

    Tetsu: It was indeed quite obnoxious. Anything else?