"My Father and Mother": Which girl is not pregnant

Wava 2022-04-19 09:03:12

My father and mother, 4 points, the first love, the girl is full of spring, the first love is infinitely good, and you are the biggest in my heart. I remember that I read a lot of books like this when I was a child. They should all be books from my parents’ time. The stories of that era are always moving. The plot of the film can only be regarded as a small piece of content from the current youth romance films, but because people know too many routines, the overlapping routines cannot bring people moving. On the contrary, the plot is simple and the characters are portrayed. This film, which is also a one-man show by Zhang Ziyi, makes people like it a bit. The girl wants to show the best of everything to her loved one with longing and longing. How many people can I dislike? One person is working hard, and the other person does not express it in words, but you can see from the lines how much difficulty he has endured silently in order to get together with her, which is better than showing it directly. It can leave room for people to imagine. Although the routine is old, it is useful. Love is so beautiful ps: The heroine of the story is quite lucky, and the hard work has paid off. There are many people who have no gain even if they pursue it. 233333 But if you meet someone you like, you still have to pursue it hard. Although the theme of the movie "Life is Beautiful" is not about falling in love, the part about falling in love is enough to make many young men and women take courage. In fact, "My Father and Mother" not only expresses love, but also other more realistic meanings. Things, such as the bitter cause of the father's death, the stubbornness of the mother, the son was not excited to stay here as a teacher, etc., but I only want to talk about the part of love, and let's experience the real things. Mother's Mandarin and dialect, it's interesting to switch

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