A long-underrated science fiction film

Teagan 2022-09-10 14:48:14

After so many years, I still feel that "Alien" deserves higher praise. It is a pity that too many people regard it as a porn film and see Searle as the villain in the film. As far as the stranger came, she encountered too much malice in the escape, killing was nothing more than protecting herself, how could she be harsh? But until she killed the gentleman who kindly helped her, I realized that she could not be redeemed. Searle had no right and wrong, no aesthetics, no distinction between good and evil, and even no basic common sense, only instinct: mating for reproduction , Killing for profit and avoiding harm. She lives like a beast, and her hunters chase her like a beast. But in fact, this tragedy could have been avoided. There are many hints in the film. In fact, she has a high IQ, a keen response, and a talent beyond ordinary people. You can become a superman, but become a monster under the pressure of the wild drive and creator. Her tragedy is a double tragedy of nature and environment

What is even more disturbing is that Searle's superpowers are derived from her alien genes, so what about her killing instinct, is it really the alien blood? Or is half of her human genes in charge of her? The hunters chased her indiscriminately, wasn't it the same as her indiscriminately killing people while fleeing without distinguishing the enemy from us? It’s always sad to see beautiful things fall. At the moment of Searle’s death, no matter how you look at it, the predators are more like villains.

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Species quotes

  • Dan Smithson, Empath: Fitch, Fitch it doesn't feel right.

  • Dr. Laura Baker: Do you have a girlfriend in New York?

    Preston Lennox: Oh, I guess I've had a few; but, they don't hang around very long. I guess I keep too many secrets.

    Dr. Laura Baker: Do you wanna share one with me?