Is sex really that fun?

Graham 2022-10-07 12:55:20

In this movie, sex and money are the dirtiest things in the world, above everything else, and destroying all good things. I was mentally prepared before watching it. Korean films are the most abusive, but when I watched it, I was still tortured to the death. Living in the Celestial Dynasty, I think it is a gift for such a movie to be released.
The principal teacher in the deaf-mute school, in order to satisfy his own sexual desire, stretches his claws to the little girl who can't hear or speak. When the wretched principal rides on the little girl, I can't wait for them to turn into Japanese "Lori" Machine Gun Girl", beats the lewd headmaster to the ground, but how is this possible? This is a serious film, as serious as reality. The school used money and connections to bribe the judges of the police and procuratorate, and eventually all involved sexual abuse of disabled children. The perpetrators triumphed.
After watching this film, the doubts in my heart deepened. Is sex really so fun? Maybe I am a person who is not sexually blessed. At the age of love, for sexual pleasure, the two loli in the film were sexually assaulted, accompanied by violent beatings. The nursery teacher sodomized the two brothers. Just because of sex, it can be said to be unconscionable. Is sex really so fun that people can bury humanity? Scientists say that only two animals in the world, humans and dolphins, have sex for pleasure. If there is no sex, there will be no tragedy in this film.

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