The Meaning of Biographical Films in My Eyes

Garfield 2022-12-10 22:17:15

Many times, we watch movies just to seek a kind of sensory stimulation, and those emotions after crying and laughing are often "movies only". And when the movie comes from a real event, it suddenly seems to shorten the distance between the virtual and reality, making people truly feel its blood and its shocking.
When we are depressed because we have no money to eat, drink and play, in some corner of the world, a girl may be dying in pain because of circumcision; when we are sleeping, maybe many girls can't sleep at night because of the trauma of circumcision …
Watching a movie is sometimes a kind of solace, sometimes a kind of healing, and more often a kind of introspection. Introspect how happy the ordinary life we ​​are dissatisfied with is in the eyes of most people, introspect how small and meaningless our troubles and setbacks are in the context of the world, introspect on the family and friendship that should be valued by us, introspection How to cherish and use the time you have that dead people can't have...
The significance of biopics is not only to move us with superb skills, but to let people experience this process of introspection and learning.

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