Allow others to create their own world

Reymundo 2022-11-27 02:10:57

Everyone attracts people, things, and things that vibrate at the same frequency. When we reject certain people, things, and things, what we reject is precisely the inner shadow. The quality they represent is the self we are unwilling to accept and face. If you don't want these people and things to appear, you must raise your vibrational frequency instead of running away, dodging, attacking and confronting.

To achieve what you want, you first need the consistency and harmony of your feelings, thoughts, words, and behaviors, and you need a strong willpower. But using willpower is not the best way. The most direct path to a happy life is to let go of oneself, let go of senses, let go of emotions, let go of thoughts, let go of willpower, let go of consciousness. Raise the vibration frequency, learn to love all of yourself first, and extend this love to everyone, that is, to accept all of yourself and everyone; truly feel the happiness of others, their happiness is your happiness, just like you Experience the same; feel the pain of others, their pain is your pain, but such pain will not really make you suffer.

Use your heart for everything. Believe that you can create a better world and allow others to create their own. You will find that the world is no longer cold, dark, ugly, your world can be warm, bright and beautiful.

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The Secret quotes

  • Bob Proctor: Now, if you don't understand it, that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You don't understand electricity probably. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.

  • Michael Beckwith: It has been proven now, scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.