The opposition between man and society

Immanuel 2022-09-14 21:18:20

——"The French Lieutenant's Woman" gave me the feeling

that many people in the world are jealous of moral traitors. In particular, women should be jealous of the daring among them, and enjoy the bliss of the body with men by their temperament. They despised "Miss" and condemned cheating, but deep down in their hearts, they dreamed of deviant images from time to time and imagined those joys. Rather than saying they were jealous, they were envious. If the fruit cannot be eaten, it is said to be sour.

There are very few men who are not attracted to a slutty woman. Those women have a peculiar smell, a bold and fearless temperament who dares to fight against the world, and contains a sexual desire that is stronger than ordinary people - most people because of moral reasons, suppress the nature of animals, and do not know the potential power in them. Nowadays, many Chinese women are very angry, which is related to their lack of happiness and dissatisfaction in their sexual life.
Fighting against the secular, such as the maverick of artists among men, is easily accepted by the world, thinking that this is the need of art. And a woman is "a sensation" if she is out of line, thinking that women are all relying on that physical capital. In fact, it is not. Coquettish women completely rely on their bodies to conquer men. Their spirit of rebellion and liberation and their sense of exploration and innovation are more appreciated and liked by some men. This is also a state that many men have not achieved.

In the film, the woman leaves quietly without telling the man where to go, after having an affair with the man's hotel. If he has her in his heart, she is satisfied, not necessarily living together. Platonic love is easy for women to accept. Men are multi-faceted. What a woman wants is romantic affection, not staying with the man, she knows that if it is like that, the love will disappear instantly. And if she got away and left him in time, maybe the other party would remember her for life. The woman invited the man to meet a few years later, but again left without saying goodbye. She knew that he would forgive her. Mystery is a word unique to women.

Love at first sight story. When the male protagonist saw the French lieutenant's woman, the woman turned her back to him, standing alone in front of the trestle deep into the sea. And the French lieutenant's woman repeatedly seduced him. A remake of Carmen's story, wildness attracts men, but men hesitate, afraid of criticism from others. The lieutenant's woman left him and became the girl who stood on the street at night waiting for "guests".
The male protagonist is engaged to a rich and educated girl, which is in line with the normal and perfect family ethics and social morality. The man secretly dated another woman, Anna, who was also seduced by the woman. The man even had a showdown with the rich woman and broke the contract. In the end, she did not get Anna, and she left without saying goodbye.
The interweaving of two love stories, the interweaving of inside and outside the play.
Timeless theme. The supremacy of social rules and individuality, that is, the contradiction between the individual and the collective and society, is a natural opposition. In artistic creation, the mediocre follow the rules, and the genius creates the rules. In the beginning, the creation of genius was not accepted by the world, and slowly attracted countless imitators, thus becoming a new rule.

In the conflict between man and society, there is no doubt that most people choose to compromise and obey, and a few people get "loneliness". Some of the few triumphed, and society changed the rules to model the creation of that genius. This is because the number of victims increases, and society modifies its moral rules. Morality is always evolving, what was once seen as lewd is now commonplace. Like sexy clothes. So, are you brave enough to be a victim? May get lonely and even attacked. Like that French lieutenant's woman.

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The French Lieutenant's Woman quotes

  • Sarah: Do what you will or what you must. Now that I know there was truly a day upon which you loved me, I can bear anything. You have given me the strength to live.

  • Charles Henry Smithson: This isn't mistletoe, but it will do, will it not?

    Ernestina: Oh, Charles. Oh! Oh! Oh!