Inspiration from old movies

Jessica 2022-11-06 14:36:50

The CD "The French Lieutenant's Woman" was lent to me by Lao Su. This work is adapted from the novel of the same name by John Fowles and is a rare classic in British films.
Usually, as a non-original film adaptation, the blurring and moving of the film should be attributed to the charm of the original novel itself, but this film is different from other film adaptations. Director Carroll Reitz deconstructs this Victorian era through modern consciousness. story, so a time-space interlaced film-in-film was born. The story in the original novel is a single-line development, but in the film, behind the story, there is another clue about the story of the hero and heroine, so it shows the same people, the same mutual love, different eras , Different life backgrounds, a pair of lovers eventually lead to completely different endings. The bright line of the film is that the story that takes place in the Victorian era exists in the film as a film that is being shot. In the story, the noble young master Charlie went from wanting to help a mysterious woman named Sarah, a woman known as a French lieutenant, to falling in love with her hopelessly, and began to walk on a road he never thought of - to resist the imprisonment of this era. His dogma and bondage.
When Charlie finally recklessly combined with Sarah, she was surprised to find that she was Sarah's first man, so Sarah's image changed from being ridiculed by the world to pursue the freedom of love, to a pure one The idea of ​​freedom and self-deprecating depravity not understood by others. When Charlie gave up his engagement with the rich lady and was even forced to accept humiliating terms to find a salad, it was empty.
The film has a small turning point at this time, and the focus begins to shift to the emotional entanglement between the male and female protagonists outside the film. This dark thread has always existed as a clue for Pu TV, and in the open-line story, there are always scenes of flirting and lovemaking between the actress Anna who plays Sarah and the actor Mike who plays Charlie, as their interpretation of the story develops. , The emotions between the two are also deeply involved in complex entanglements.
The center of the final story of the film returns to the love story of Sarah and Charlie. In Windermere, the last location of the film, Sarah and Charlie reunite. After pouring out their grievances and missing each other, they forgive each other and choose a new life. At the beginning, the two of them painted a boat, passing under the dark bridge hole, and rowing to the depths of happiness. Outside of the corresponding screen, Anna gave up Mike and finally chose her original life.
There are three different endings in the original novel, but the director Reiz used the image to express a rather modern irony with the contrast of two different time and space on the choice of emotion: in Victoria, the shackles of thought bind people's freedom to pursue. In the era, the helpless and determined salad chose to resist for love, but in the modern age where rationality is supreme and freedom, Anna finally couldn't break free from the worldly chain and chose to escape peacefully...
I like this long and ancient movie very much , I also like the ending of the heroine of the real story who turns away resolutely in the face of temptation. At the end of the movie, actress Anna resolutely turned and left when the banquet ended, and she no longer needed to care whether Mike's last desperate "Sarah" was true love or too deep into the play. She has trudged out of the occasional ban and resolutely returned to the original track. Maybe we have all loved someone once, to the point of forgetting our responsibilities and forgetting ourselves, to the point that we are in full swing with life and death, but the enthusiasm is like drops of water. So we can only continue to move forward, continue to meet all kinds of people, and say goodbye to all kinds of people, which is necessary for growth.
Worldly vision is not a problem, the important thing is that love is understanding and respect, not selfishness and plundering, sacrificing two peaceful families for their own small love, to let the quiet housewife lose her husband, and let the innocent and lovely children lose. Father, make the husband who loves you sad and despair, and sacrifice all this in exchange for your love, is it worth it? Wouldn't there be a shadow of despair among relatives in the future life, and should happiness be fulfilled with so much pain?
Real love will not be like this, it should be sublime and beautiful, so Anna chose to turn around and leave peacefully. She uses escape to guard her love, to guard the man she loves, this wise woman, she gets What has been lost is far more than what was lost, and Mike will always cherish her figure in his heart. She fulfilled this incomplete world with the actions of a weak woman, fulfilled the riddled love, fulfilled Mike's responsibility as a father and a husband. I admire such a woman, who has the feelings of being born and the courage to enter the world, and she is magnanimous and calm when she goes out and enters.
Meryl Streep played Sarah and Anna very well. Such a beautiful and otherworldly woman is destined to suffer some torment and pain in this world.

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The French Lieutenant's Woman quotes

  • Sarah: Do what you will or what you must. Now that I know there was truly a day upon which you loved me, I can bear anything. You have given me the strength to live.

  • Charles Henry Smithson: This isn't mistletoe, but it will do, will it not?

    Ernestina: Oh, Charles. Oh! Oh! Oh!