
Santino 2022-04-19 09:02:43

Five-star award, it can be seen that the budget of this film is very small, and most of the shots are fixed shots or shots of scheduling characters.

From a small matter of the graduation examination, a few questions have arisen. 1. Does procedural injustice result in justice? 2. Can the child's judgment understand the parents' painstaking efforts? 3. To go or stay in a corrupt society? 4. Should a marriage that exists in name only continue?

In fact, what made me feel the most was the child's problem. I didn't understand the painstaking efforts of my parents, and she insisted on doing her own thing. In the end, she was proud of thinking that she had written a few more minutes by herself. However, when you feel relaxed, someone is carrying the burden for you.

Another is the problem of personal connections. Romania's national conditions are really easy to imagine.

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Extended Reading

Graduation quotes

  • Romeo: Eliza, you have to do your best. It'd be a pity to miss this chance. Some important steps in life depend on small things. And some chances shouldn't be wasted. You know, in '91, your Mum and I decided to move back. It was a bad decision. We thought things would change, we thought we'd move mountains. We didn't move anything. I have no regrets, though. At least we tried...