The French tone is open to the brain, romantic and not joking

Athena 2022-12-06 01:56:13

An emotional and funny film that transcends cultures

A film that transcends culture, is emotionally rich and entertaining

We play different roles in our lives, and sometimes we forget which one we are playing. The characters speak truths about themselves when acting, and wish they could act like they enjoy their real life.

We play various roles in our lives, and sometimes we forget which role we play. Actors speak the truth about themselves when they act, and go out of their way to show that they really enjoy their real life.

It is a film which is all the more touching because it evokes sympathy (for Victor ) without being sad; it is dramatic without being indulgent (Antoine's fierce perfectionism that is distracted by Margot); it is sentimental without being nostalgic (They are not 'lost' in the past, and the pop culture references are spot-on exactly ).

It's a more touching film because it evokes empathy for the victor without being sad; it's dramatic but not overbearing (Antoine's extreme perfectionism is eventually broken by Margot); it's emotional without being too Too nostalgic (they're not lost in the past, and the pop culture reference is pretty accurate).

The script is tightly written and the wit (wisdom) comes through even to a non-francophone audience. It is an immensely satisfying film because all the characters grow, and come to an understanding of themselves and who/what they love in the end, bringing much laughter and tears to the audience along the way. The music is also perfect at each juncture . Bravo.

The script is so compact that even non-French-speaking countries can understand what it wants to convey. Just a very satisfying movie because all the characters have grown and they all come to know themselves and the people they ultimately love, and the whole movie brought a lot of laughter and tears to the audience. The music is perfect in every transition. marvelous!

La première bonne idée du film réside (in) dans le fait qu'on est à des années-lumières d'un film d' anticipation (fantasy) , ainsi, Antoine offre un produit à partir de décors, de documentation et d' une reconstitution (reconstitution) qui a tout du théâtre.

A good idea for this movie is that it's light years away from a fantasy novel. Antoine provides this comedy-like production that includes sets, recordings and reconstructions.

Toujours entre comédie et drame avec cette émotion qui joue sur le fil du funambule (tightrope walking) grâce à des dialogues percutants (triggered) que ce soit dans le romantique où la satire (sarcasm) . La construction narrative (detailed transcript) est judicieuse (reasonable) et cohérente, on passe du réel à la reconstitution d'époque sans filtre, en traversant les décors comme si on était constamment dans les coulisses tout en étant aussi acteur ou voyeur.

Movies are always somewhere between comedy and dramatic effect, and this emotion is manifested in romance or satire, through intense dialogue, like walking a tightrope. The narrative structure of the film is reasonable and coherent, and we transition from the era of reality, without filters, to the era of reconstruction. Travel through the background scenes as if we were always behind the scenes, either as actors or bystanders.

Rarement le cinéma français (en tous cas depuis longtemps !) aura offert un tel panel d'émotion ; on sourit tout le long du film, on a les yeux humides presque tout le long du film, souvent les deux combinés avec en prime (extra ) quelques rires comme une cerise...

Few French films (at least for a long time!) offer such an emotion; we watch the whole film with smiles and water in our eyes, often both together, with the addition of Cherry laughter.

"La Belle époque" est un film rempli de nostalgie que l'on regarde avec le sourire aux lèvres, mais aussi avec de l'émotion. Pouvoir revivre un moment, une rencontre, une époque, ce n'est pas possible sauf dans ce film de Nicolas Bedos avec un entrepreneur qui a eu la folle idée de monter une société qui permet aux clients de vivre ou revivre quelque chose que ce soit pour se remémorer (memories) des souvenirs ou alors pour prendre la place de quelqu'un.

Belle Époque is a nostalgic film, and we had a lot of smiles while watching it, but also moved. To be able to relive a moment, an encounter, an era, it is impossible. Unless, in this Nicolas Bedos film, an entrepreneur with a wild idea starts a company that allows customers to experience or recreate something, whether it's looking back or playing something else people.

Victor va avoir sa chance et va voir sa vie bouleversée. Dès les premières minutes, on comprend pourquoi ce film a reçu le César du Meilleur scénario original. Le concept est génial et vraiment original. Cela aurait été tellement plus simple de faire en sorte que (ensure) le personnage se cogne la tête pour qu'il revive son passé comme on l'a vu si souvent. Ici, c'est important que ce ne soit pas le cas, car tout ce qui se passe à un impact direct sur la vie des gens.

Victor is very lucky that his life will be turned upside down. From the first minute of the film, we can see why the film won César's Best Original Screenplay award. The idea of ​​the movie is fantastic and unique. Stun the experiencer and let him go back in time, as we often see, it's a lot easier. In this movie, it's thankful that's not the case, because everything that happens has a direct impact on the person's life.

S'intéresser au passé pour guérir le présent, c'est exactement ce qui arrive. On assiste très souvent à une mise en abyme (the story has a story) . Le scénario est très bien écrit et parfaitement mis en scène. Tout est fluide et parfaitement huilé (smooth) à l'image de ces mises en scène auxquelles on assiste. L'histoire est très plaisante à suivre, mais c'est réellement grâce à ses personnages qu'elle prend vie .

Looking back on the past to heal the present, it's all encountered, and the audience participates in the story within the story. The script is very well written and staged very well. In the scenes we witnessed, everything was very smooth and smooth. The story makes it seem like a lot of joy, but it's actually thanks to the actors' amazing performance.

L'ensemble du casting est bon, mais j'ai beaucoup aimé Daniel Auteuil qui est attachant (pleasant) et surtout Doria Tillier qui est rayonnante . "La belle époque" est vraiment un beau film, une oeuvre authentique et naturelle qui fait passer un super moment. Bref, très bon film.

The cast as a whole is good, but I really like Daniel Auteuil, very likable and Doria Tillier, brilliant. "Belle Epoque" is indeed a good movie, a real and natural work, and I had a good time. All in all, a good movie.

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La Belle Époque quotes

  • Margot: Instead of revisiting memories find what makes her beautiful, sad, suprising here and now

  • Margot: You have to accept to be disappointed, criticized, predictable, less amazing or whatever. Or you always start over. Some trials work, but you miss out on your real life