Having you in my life

Santino 2022-04-21 09:03:52

I felt very complicated just after watching it. It's not that rebecca didn't know the consequences of doing this, or she wouldn't keep hiding the truth. Later, I suddenly remembered this song by Jacky Cheung and thought it was very appropriate. She should think so too.

Do you know it's not easy to
love you,
love needs a lot of courage, it
's God's will,
let me fall in love with you
, but you left me
, maybe in reincarnation, it's already destined, in
this life I should give it back to you
, a heart is floating in the
wind it's
all It's for
you , I have you along the way , I am
willing to suffer a little,
even if it is to separate and meet me, I am willing to have you along the way, even if I am destined to be separated from you in this life

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Extended Reading

Womb quotes

  • Thomas: What are you doing this weekend?

    Rebecca: Same as you.

    Thomas: I can't, I have to go away.

    Rebecca: I'll come with you.

    Thomas: I have to go alone. I'll only be 2 days.

    Rebecca: Where ever you go, I go.

    Thomas: This is somewhere you can't go.

    Rebecca: Then you shouldn't go either.

  • Teacher: Dima is the victim of artificial incest. Her mother gave birth to her own mother. Did you know that?