"Baby girl" in Istanbul

Fabian 2022-04-20 09:02:20

"Cats of Istanbul" Kedi.2016

A documentary with love. Last night, when I saw it as a cat sucker, the melted butter of a large piece of er is of course a necessary effect. It is also very clear about the historical origin of the whole people sucking cats and cats. The first article in the Ottoman Empire The sewer system has attracted rodents, and fishing boats docked in Eurasian ports will bring cats from their respective countries ashore. Cats of various breeds have grown with the empire for thousands of years and have become "Baby girls" in Istanbul.

Istanbul people treat cats as if they are naughty children, let them come and go freely in people's daily life, observe their habits, growth, personality, play with their characteristics, and share the joy of human-cat communication. . And there is no need to frown at the small disturbances the cat's naughty brings to their daily life. To mention a cat that can make a fisherman chase the streets is like mentioning his own spoiled bear child. Sen is fine. When naughty disturbs people, Istanbul people never use their feet to drive the cat away, but attach their hands to the cat's back and buttocks, and invite it to play elsewhere for a while. In short, I feel simple love across the screen~?

The director's hidden concern is that modernity is an empire, and urbanization and modernity are the process of flattening and destroying the traditional warmth pattern. It is also the rational alienation of the pessimistic relationship between humans and cats. Many communities in developed countries regard stray cats as a health problem. Rejecting & expelling them, it seems impossible to try to live together again.

When it comes to the rational alienation of the relationship between humans and cats, I have feelings. I used to sleep with cats when I was a child, but after being scratched by a cat once last year and then going to the hospital for rabies vaccine for the first time, I basically didn’t know it. If I touch the cat again, if the cat comes to rub my trouser legs, I will ruthlessly avoid it. Sometimes I can’t bear to rub the cat with my hands. The first thing to do when I get home is to wash my hands immediately to avoid the risk of Toxoplasma gondii infection. The intimacy of human beings in the past without any hatred has collapsed. But I know I can't hold back my desire to touch them. When I see them, I feel like the end of the film: "A cat meows at your feet and looks at you, like life is smiling at you. We are lucky to have moments like this." It is close to people, with a clear and fearless, unconditional trust, hoping to be loved by you, but it is also very fragile, it can regain its alertness at any time, and imagine that the enemy will rebound and possess it. It is not difficult to feel that the stray cats in the city are generally afraid of people. They are often startled and trembling. Except for those who are often fed, they dare to show a little bit of pampering. I deeply feel that in country Z, stray cats lack due care, not from the policy, but from the heart, from the inner nature of human nature. So what I can do is to always carry a small amount of cat food with me when I go out, and seriously mess with it for a while, without expecting it to turn my belly around. So I agree with "Dogs don't know there is a God, but cats do; dogs think man is God, cats don't, cats know man acts as an intermediary to carry out God's will."

And I sincerely hope that stray cats can always find their own secret paradise, and respond to the changes in the human world with a joyful indifference.

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Kedi quotes

  • Unnamed Human Resident of Istanbul: I accept death as a reality but I have difficultydealing with the longing. That's my problem with death.

  • Bülent Üstün: Any ungrateful behavior on their part is really an act of sincerity. They don't need to apologize. I guess there are people who expect that from a cat. "I gave you all that food and you won't even sit on my lap". A relationship where they expect a return on an investment.