you are the future

Damon 2022-04-21 09:03:52

Hosoda Mamoru's work, "Future of the Future", after its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, went all the way to the Oscar nomination for best animation, becoming the first Japanese animation not produced by "Ghibli" to be nominated for the Oscar for best animation. The story mainly tells: the parents of the family after giving birth to the second child, because of their greater concern for their sister, the elder brother's need for love and jealousy of the younger sister are aroused... From this point as an introduction, use the perspective of intervention and inspection to experience Philosophy of life. Through chaotic travel, I saw my younger sister who will grow up to be a high school student in the future, I saw my childhood mother who was the same age as myself, I saw the young grandfather who was an adult with my father, and I got a taste of the ideological realm in different periods of life. . When you scold a child for being naughty, you used to be just as mischievous as a child. When you despise the old people as dirty, they despise their dependence on the juniors, and the irritability of long-term illness without a dutiful child occurs, you will find that when you get old, you will also need to rely on the care of the juniors and even drag them down. . . The little male protagonist in the film is very cute, he likes to play rascals, he is about three or four years old, he likes to cry, laugh and make trouble. It shows the daily life of the family very vividly, including the dog barking when someone knocks on the door, all of which are very real. It's just an average-looking, rather bland story. There are no big ups and downs. Like boiled water, there are no waves in the ancient well. Therefore, the ratings are not high, and the reputation is not very good. But this is the first Hosoda Mamoru work I've seen, so it doesn't have a gap like the old fans, at least it can resonate with me, and the look and feel is not bad, 7 points can be obtained.

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Mirai quotes

  • Father: This is your baby sister, Kun.

    Kun: Sister?

    Mother: Isn't she precious?

    Kun: [gasping in amazement] She is.

    [pokes his finger against her delicate hand]

    Mother: You have to be gentle with her.

    Kun: [gently takes hold of the baby's hand; she opens her eyes]

    Father: She's awake. I think she's staring at you, Kun.

    Mother: Come on, her eyes can't even focus yet.

    Father: Well she sure looks like she's staring to me.

    Mother: You must always be nice to her, okay?

    Kun: Okay.

    Mother: And you have to protect her no matter what.

    Kun: Yeah.

    Mother: Always.

  • Mirai: You did it again. You tried to hit me with your bullet train even after Mom told you not to.

    Kun: But it wasn't a bullet train!

    Mirai: You aren't supposed to use a bullet train to hit people.

    Kun: It was a Super Azusa.

    Mirai: [angrily] I don't care what kind it was!


    Mirai: And why can't you be a little nicer to Mom?

    Kun: I don't know, I just can't.

    Mirai: It's her one day off from work. She doesn't get many and she has to spend it fighting with you. Come on, try.

    Kun: [sniffling] I know... I'm not cute.

    Mirai: Huh?

    Kun: [crying, wipes tear from his eye] Both Baby Mirai and Yukio are really cute. Not me. I know I'm not that cute anymore.

    [continues sobbing]

    Mirai: Oh come on, that's not true. You're very cute!

    Kun: [walking away]

    Mirai: You're the cutest! Adorable!

    Kun: [crying harder; runs away]