Miscellaneous thoughts on the murder of Kim Bum Nam

Al 2022-04-22 07:01:48

Cinema is a narrative art. If it is not the grotesque imagination of romanticism, then the story will have a beginning and an end, and it will be told from beginning to end. Regarding this point, the creative team of "The Beginning and End of the Jin Funan Murder Case" has a correct attitude and has been serious in the process of implementation. In particular, the tight-fitting echoes at the beginning and the end of the film are more meaningful. This not only means Hae-won's rebirth, but I think it also expresses the awakening of women's consciousness (which seems to be a precursor to falling out of the way) and her views on violence.
Say the latter first. At the end of 2015, the sensational Fudan University poisoning case was finally settled with the execution of the murderer Lin Senhao. After I read an article, I took this as an example and held a class meeting on the theme of "violence". In the end, the pale conclusion was reached: Violence can't solve anything. Taking this as a reference, Funan finally slashed at the islanders because the islanders abused Funan for a long time under the deformed concept. Compared with Lin Senhao, Funan's experience is called forbearance, and the content of her forbearance is the real meaning. The violence was not what she thought, and even more desperate than Lin Senhao, Funan had almost no one to help, and even if there was, it ended in failure. With no way out, protecting her daughter is the only hope in her life other than fleeing to Seoul. However, Hae Won's ruthless rejection and her daughter's tragic death made this miserable woman lose any faith in living in the world. For a person like Funan, she would either die tragically in the sound of blessings from thousands of families just like Mrs. Xianglin, or she would take up the sickle in her hand and play the goddess of revenge to vent her despair.
Mr. Lu Xun said, "The strong are cowardly, but swing the sword toward the stronger; the weak are cowardly, but swing the sword toward the weaker".

The teacher said before that when a woman is integrated into the male discourse system and has a certain right to speak in the male discourse system, then her oppression of women outside the male discourse system is often stronger than that of men. The same happened to Funan.

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