In the small village buried in the mountains in the southwest of the movie, all relationships are maintained by blood and clan balance. The young children will start studying and taking exams after the year of dressing, and several older old people rely on thousands of years of experience. Confucian etiquette determines the affairs of the village. It takes more than a day to go out of the village to the county seat. People rarely think of seeing the outside world. Their only hope is to let their descendants go to high school and honor their ancestors.
In such a village, even if an outsider like Tang Long changed his or her name, married a widow in the village, and had a family, it would take many years for his name to be written on the genealogy. It was not until he killed the two Jiang Yang robbers who had fled to the village that he was truly recognized by the villagers. This recognition includes the fact that the deeds are written on the genealogy and circulated, and they are compiled into songs and sung.
It can be imagined that for thousands of years, there have been thousands of such villages on the land of China, where people were born, grew up, and aged peacefully. It's just that this kind of tranquility is extremely fragile, and it can't even stand the invasion of a little external force. The first person to break in in the movie is Tang Long, although he decides to forget the past and integrate into the village. Afterwards, two robbers from Jiangyang, Xu Baijiu, the county's arrester, two master assassins, and the final adoptive father BOSS all poured into this small village. China.
The movie seems to be set in 1917, I don't know if the writers meant it, but the timing is really interesting. Since modern times, neither the reformers nor the revolutionaries can tolerate the traditional clan system, not to mention that after the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, the revolutionaries who smashed Confucius' stores and advocated personal liberation even regarded the clan system as the root of all evil, and threatened To "social revolution", we must first "family revolution". After years of wars and political movements overwhelming the sky, and now coupled with the impact of the tide of stylization, migrant workers have moved into cities and peasants have gone upstairs. This peaceful rural life has finally disappeared without a trace.
Although we know that whether in the eyes of Marxist-Leninists or liberals, such rural life is a representative of backwardness and ignorance, and behind the stability lies the sacrifice of individuals and the shackles of peasants, but looking at the peaceful countryside in the movie, the peaceful people, Compared with the impulsive and apathetic public in the city, I can't help but yearn for it.
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