forever 17 year old boy

Noah 2022-04-21 09:03:05

Albert ended up dying in the ice lake, and... of his own accord. So many people were there at the time, why didn't they help? Why didn't Frederick save? ...In the scene in the bathroom, Albert said a sentence "I helped myself", and at that time he had already had the idea of ​​committing suicide. In the final embrace, Friedrich may have felt it. Or maybe it was Albert's touching and shaking his head at the end that made Friedrich understand his thoughts and respect him. Perhaps only the purity of the lake water is worthy of Albert. Favorite movie, no one! It can make me, a person who has no interest in history, take the initiative to preview and understand history, which shows how much I love this movie!

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Extended Reading

Before the Fall quotes

  • Christoph Schneider: Pull yourself together!

    Albrecht Stein: Pull myself together? Do you know what we just did? You shouldn't have shot! You shouldn't have shot!

    Tjaden: I didn't give the order. Your father said they had guns!

    Albrecht Stein: Why are you looking at me like that?

    Friedrich Weimer: I'm not looking at you.

    Albrecht Stein: I know what you're thinking. Don't look at me like that!

  • Albrecht Stein: [reading from his essay] "As childish as it sounds, the winter time and the sight of freshly fallen snow always fill us with inexplicable joy. Perhaps because as children, we associated it with Christmas. I always imagine myself the hero who killed dragons, rescued virgins, and freed the world from evil. As we went out yesterday to find the prisoners, I felt like that little boy who wanted to save the world."

    Vogler: Albrecht, stop.

    Albrecht Stein: But as we returned, I understood that I am part of the evil that I wanted to save us from.

    Vogler: Albrecht, stop.

    Albrecht Stein: Shooting prisoners is wrong. They were not armed, as Governor Stein told us, to incite us. We didn't shoot men, only children.

    Vogler: Out!