Wave (some small ideas)

Eleanora 2022-04-20 09:02:19

Tide - Watching "Hitler's Boy", I feel that the outline is complicated, and every move leads to the whole line, and the sea is flowing. A belligerent is a hero in troubled times and a murderer in peaceful times. The tide swept, half of the music is half of mourning. Peaceful times have never been peaceful. Since World War II, the Battle of Zhenbao Island, the Iraq War, the ISIS extremist organization, local hot wars have continued, and waves have come one after another. China seems to be far away from the crisis of war, but the world is like a fishing net, how can it not be implicated . In recent years, China has not directly interfered in the armed struggle in any region, but it does not mean that China allows terrorist forces to grow. Similarly, China is full of confidence in the Huaxia people, but it does not mean that it allows populism to run rampant. We must face the world, embrace hundreds of rivers, bring happiness and tranquility to the people internally, and bring peace and security to the world externally. The protagonist of the film, Frederick, awakened from the Nazi system after his best friend committed suicide. Imagine if his best friend survived by chance under the ice lake, and Frederick did not give up in the boxing match, would the following three scenarios occur. My dear friend of the battlefield invaders waited until one day many years later, as an anti-war reporter, I was pressed to be executed on the battlefield. You passed by me, casually asking about another batch of dead criminals, inadvertently raising your eyes, looking at each other, like Countless days and nights, turning right is your eyebrows. Swallowing the tears at the corners of his mouth, look, the elite of Napola School, after the pupils dilated for a few seconds, everything returned to calm. Fortunately and unfortunately, the execution was delayed, and I was still alive. Day or night, what blurs the eyes. A pair of dusty military hooks touched the tip of the nose, staggered to get up, you stood in front of me, the familiar face is not a little bit old, I held your arm and cried over and over again, after all, you are not what I used to be Beloved boy. In the midst of the ruins, the mother was at dusk. At the Jindler factory that had just been bombed, a woman sat quietly on the ruins, laughing to herself, her husband who had just been killed in her arms. My dear, I feel that he is back. In my dream last night, on the day he left, I hugged him tightly. He covered me with the military uniform of his ankles and wrapped me in his arms. I opened my mouth, but Without uttering a single syllable, for a long time, he prayed in a deep nasal voice: "Son, can't you leave without going?" "No!" "We're going to England, it's safe, no one will go there to catch deserters." His hand dropped, holding mine, "Mom, you know it's not mine. Character, let alone the character of the youth of the Great German Empire." Yes, this is not his character, but where is the character of our German youth? Dear, you go, don't worry, I will find our son, obedient and sensible son, and then like you, wearing overalls, white shirt, riding the car you have already repaired, working in the factory, ordinary Marry a wife and have children peacefully, live like a human being, and live an ordinary life. My son will not be ashamed like those demons. I lost the church, my brother. I heard that many prisoners of war were dismantling landmines on the west coast of Denmark. Brother, are you there? A few days ago, I retrieved a dozen heavy letters from the boss. He said that the army station had been destroyed and asked me to retrieve the letter. God knows this is the first army. You said that if we separate for now, the future will not be far away. In my opinion, we will separate now, and there will be no future. I still remember that night when I asked your dad why he was angry, you said it was because you wanted to go to a school, the only school that should be like a castle. That day and night, I know you left secretly, but you said you want to be a real youth of the Great German Empire, I still remember it. Later, I went to work in the factory arranged by my father instead of you, and they always asked where did you go? Every time my father heard it, he would always scold him, and later no one dared to ask. But I am different. I will always proudly tell them that my brother is an elite in a unique school. Later, the factory was gone, and they all went to be "elites". snowy night In the year I returned home, I was a loner on the road of snow and wind. With humanity and conscience, I left naked. This year, I returned to my hometown with a shroud in horse leather, which was not hot and cold. I have never regretted my choice that day, and I cannot let go of the kindness of human nature. Albert resisted the dictatorship with his own life. One step earlier, one step later, all the way back is the shore, but the people on the shore have changed. Left behind, the bones return home, but there is no redemption, lifelong shame, no shame, it is not a real war story. Leaving, poor, lonely, but happy. Under the war, there is no peace, I am neither the master nor the archbishop, I am just a boy, Hitler's boy. The world is a net, and the net lives the ordinary people. The war is the wave under the net, which destroys the happiness of the ordinary people. In a crisis situation, we have no way to intervene. All we can do is to maintain human nature no matter what the situation is, not arrogant or inferior, confident and self-aware. The world is throbbing, and our country will never turn its back, never fantasize, and never give up. There is no powerful country that can abuse other countries at will, and there is no weak country that can be abused at will. The world is a fishing net, and beneath the net is a raging tide. All countries must work together to catch the wave of restlessness and curb militarism, populism, and extremist organizations. Otherwise, one fish will emerge, and the entire network will be broken, one country will be destroyed, the world will be in chaos, and mankind will perish. This has nothing to do with the use of nuclear weapons or conventional weapons.

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Before the Fall quotes

  • Christoph Schneider: Pull yourself together!

    Albrecht Stein: Pull myself together? Do you know what we just did? You shouldn't have shot! You shouldn't have shot!

    Tjaden: I didn't give the order. Your father said they had guns!

    Albrecht Stein: Why are you looking at me like that?

    Friedrich Weimer: I'm not looking at you.

    Albrecht Stein: I know what you're thinking. Don't look at me like that!

  • Albrecht Stein: [reading from his essay] "As childish as it sounds, the winter time and the sight of freshly fallen snow always fill us with inexplicable joy. Perhaps because as children, we associated it with Christmas. I always imagine myself the hero who killed dragons, rescued virgins, and freed the world from evil. As we went out yesterday to find the prisoners, I felt like that little boy who wanted to save the world."

    Vogler: Albrecht, stop.

    Albrecht Stein: But as we returned, I understood that I am part of the evil that I wanted to save us from.

    Vogler: Albrecht, stop.

    Albrecht Stein: Shooting prisoners is wrong. They were not armed, as Governor Stein told us, to incite us. We didn't shoot men, only children.

    Vogler: Out!